user Zoe | over 4 years ago

@Mark Badoer, Didn't we hear that the German cases have shut up after lock down was lifted? Maybe it is for once the German government have to learn from Spanish. Lives are more important than money. economy can be built up again (admittedly not easy) but bringing loved ones from death is impossible!!!

user ab | over 4 years ago

It's the usual complete bloody mess. Everyone is confused, no one knows that the rules are and the government has decided to make it as complicated as possible.

user Pamela Archer | over 4 years ago

I don't agree that certain age groups should only be allowed to go out for walks at set times. Many people with disabilities such as severe arthritis take a long time to get up and get ready in the morning and they couldn't be limited to walking early in the day. In my opinion the best time for older people to walk is late afternoon when it is cooler.

user JImbo | over 4 years ago

I understand everyone needs to be careful and caution needs to be exercised, but why are the elderly constantly being penalised? There are many over 65's that exercise daily, by means of walking, cycling, gym etc and do this is many cases as they have experienced health problems in the past, e.g heart. In most cases they are more healthy than people younger, so why are they constantly being restricted to times, location and whatever.

user Mark Badoer | over 4 years ago

Just spoken to one of my mallorquin friends who owns 14 hotels on Mallorca. He is not even going to bother opening them anymore this year. It's cheaper. This governement is responsible for a mountain of debt, unemployment, misery and no doubt a multitide of suicides. I hope it haunts Pedro and his communist buddies for the rest of their lives.

user Mike | over 4 years ago

Palma airport is expecting 7.7m passengers this year instead of 29.7m and they agree that is optimistic. Half those 7.7m are Spanish and visiting friends etc. So not high spending. Most passengers will arrive after the summer. So the one quarter of tourists figure is actually skewed and there will be virtually no tourism July to Sept. It doesn't take a business genius to work out that if you have a business that relies on summer tourism, you don't have a business. In places like Palma Nova, Magaluf and Paguera in Calvia I don't see how a single establishment can survive.

user Phil | over 4 years ago

Re the article in MDB 25 April. You ARE allowed to exercise on your own from Sat 2 May, be it walking, running or cycling. The Mallorcan president is still trying to get Madrid to agree that certain age groups can only go out at certain times, but I dont think its gone anywhere.

user Mark Badoer | over 4 years ago

This whole North Korean style governing that Pedro Sanchez and his buddies do, will not last. I am actually not joking, when I refer to North Korea, as it starts feeling very uncomfortable to live here. But, I have good hopes that either this government will fall, as they cannot beg enough money in Europe or people will rise up against this impotent government.

user Britbabe | over 4 years ago

If you take into account that many businesses, shops, hotels, restaurants, bars, cafes, nurseries, etc will never re-open, meaning that thousands will be out of work, or that people with more than a few brain cells will not revive the traditional greetings kiss, or that people will be paranoid every time they cough, I suppose you could say that things will get back to "normal" one day.

user Mark | over 4 years ago

You cannot favour one person over another it is a breach of your human rights it’s all or nothing civil unrest will ensue and if it does it will be the same old story DOWN TO THE GOVERNMENT,,!,