user Omar | over 4 years ago

Wearing a mask is not a big sacrifice. As tourists we must respect the rules of other countries and the safety of their inhabitants. This virus has already changed our habits, and the way we take holidays must also change. Covid doesn't take credit. If we respect all the rules, they will still be excellent holidays, different but great as these islands can offer.

user Jonathan Miles | over 4 years ago

Ok, so that’s us not going out for the next month or so.sorry to all you restaurant and bar owners but the risk for a random fine makes it not worth the bother.

user Mark Badoer | over 4 years ago

J Reeves, I am truly surprised that you did not get any response from any of them. How rude is that! As you have such vital advise, they probably never even contemplated of looking at....... Stay safe in your little bubble!

user Ramune | over 4 years ago

how very convenient now yes? why not to announce this in line with announcing about air bridges? Now ppl rushed to book holidays as me also, and if it would have been the case from the begining I would not come in a first place. As someone mentioned, taxis busses sure or even shopps but not that you go outside where you ACTLY can keep ur distance from ppl and you still need to wear it, what an absurd! on a beach when laying 2m away from other ppl its ok without mask but if passing someone on a street 2m away suddenly its not good enough , this ruins hol 4 me and many other ppl. If you did not want ppl coming 4 holidays you should NEVER agreed to air bridges, then maybe ppl would have choisen destinations where wearing face mask is not compulsory! JUST FURIOUS!!!

user Steve Kane | over 4 years ago

J Reeves is just another one that wants Mallorca all to himself, its Tourists that make Mallorca what it is a beautiful island for the tourist to visit, and without those tourists again this summer how will Mallorca survive no jobs, no wages, no life so if facemasks help if only a little bit and tourist act as they should then surly that must be a good thing for the island.

user David | over 4 years ago

Better safe than sorry

user Alan | over 4 years ago

masks are nothing but a loss of human rights. governments telling us what we should and shouldn't wear. A disgrace and someone needs to fight this in court against our human rights.

user J Reeves | over 4 years ago

Can´t imagine the police being able to collect 100e off of every tourist walking on the paseos, but it is a LOVELY LITTLE EARNER for the authorities. KEEP THE TOURISTS OUT if you want to KEEP INFECTION OUT. I emailed Amengol about doing what Japan did and making it compulsory for citizens to STAY IN THEIR OWN COUNTRIES for holidays this year: i.e. only mainlanders here and vice verca. Did not get a reply, likewise did not even get an acknowledgement from Merkel, Van De Leyen, Johnson, Macron when I wrote about the same idea to boost their economies : keep your tourists home and benefit your OWN ECONOMIES....not a peep out of any of them. Too busy with photo shoots and plane hopping to EU bletherings

user Nigel | over 4 years ago

Can someone define "public spaces", please.

user Capvermell | over 4 years ago

How long till all cars have to be wrapped in cotton wool and travel at 5 mph in the Balearics just in case it might save a few fatalities.Looks the Balearic Government has signed its working population's own Poverty Warrant in terms of the three and a half months or so that could have existed of a 2020 tourist season...........