user Malcolm | over 3 years ago

Not Rocket Science, surely ? Government points revolver at foot, pulls trigger, then bemused by sudden limp. Looks like a season-saving relaxation is already irrelevant, due to Air Bridge cancellation, anyway.

user Richard morrow | over 3 years ago

would not dream of Mallorca hotel with a mask no way The island will die a death

user Michael | over 3 years ago

Everyone thinks that this pandemic is over or tourist think that is over once the land, and not wearing a mask is not sexy, or not attractive, ..but when the lock down returns, let's see whats attractive and sexy then, tourist acting like they never been no where before, no mask, no social distancing. Enjoy your vacation while it last, because it will be your last for a while!

user John | over 3 years ago

I'm here now, will not wear mask other than in shops no matter what. Stop me, fine me, I don't care THIS IS RIDICULOUS AND I HAD NO CHANCE TO CANCEL IN TIME AS THEY WAITED UNTIL WE ALL RE BOOK HOLIDAY!!!!!!! WHAT A JOKE!!!!!

user Matt Harris | over 3 years ago

I think that these tourists are totally out of line. Why would you cancel a holiday because you have to wear a mask. Ignoring this issue isn't going to wish the virus away. For Germans to cancel, when they are required to wear a mask in Germany, is a complete joke. Get on the plane and stop whining. Meanwhile, I am flying to the island tomorrow and will enjoy the beach without you.

user Lisa | over 3 years ago

Tourists are cancelling. People will not enjoy their holidays if they do come. The word will spread. They’ve killed tourism on the island.Masks for shops and the airport is fine. Sadly, this is going to kill this season, maybe even next?Tourists will book where people don’t look scary and the message is there is a problem.Crazy. And the kept the tourist tax .... they’re driving people away.

user Peter Sayer | over 3 years ago

Agree with Andrew Hamilton, booked for trip in September but will cancel if the mask issue is confirmed. Absolutely top heavy in my opinion but can understand reasoning but too late coming. This will have a considerable detrimental on visitor numbers, you either want business or just close your island. It’s simple.

user Mike Lammers | over 3 years ago

I' ve read on internet that the main motivation of the new face mask rule was to control or ban botellons at night. So thanks to a minority of morrons the tourist season is again under threat We rebooked from May to September but will cancell if this ridiculous law will be maintained. We have the same in Belgium where youngsters re group after closing of the bars at 1 am and police do not even fine them,

user Harvey | over 3 years ago

I cant believe people are cancelling holidays because you have to wear a mask when walking the streets?? Hardly a inconvenience is it?

user Dule | over 3 years ago

Call me crazy, but I am going to asume that this have nothing to do with health and safety, and that the only reasons are Armengols political agendas. Crazy, right? I know.