user barker barker | over 3 years ago

was going to book a 2 week holiday in mallorca will not be going now.due to the smoking ban.bye bye mallorca

user Juan love | over 3 years ago

Yeah, good one Fiona.What about the rights of 600,000 people a year who die from passive smoking?

user Martin | over 3 years ago

Couldn’t agree with Mark more. With the ban on inside smoking in restaurants (not just Mallorca), outside terraces have an even greater number of smokers. Have you noticed when you pass a person smoking on the street, just how many meters you walk and still smell the smoke? Disgusting and dangerous habit.

user Fiona | over 3 years ago

I believe the smoking ban breaches the Human Rights Act. Whilst it would be hoped that smokers are considerate in their habits! However, Section 1 of the Act required that any compulsory intervention be tailored to the particular needs and circumstances of the individual and undertaken in the least restrictive manner possibleIn a decided case :- The Court noted that article 8(2) authorises interventions which are necessary in a democratic society for the protection of health and morals, but it does not authorise "lifestyle fascism"Hence this smoking ban is in breach of Human Rights. Freedom of individuals is more important than those who dislike the smoking habit

user Mark Badoer | over 3 years ago

Kathy, your smoking annoys other people. Walk in or out of Alcampo or Carrefour in a cloud of smoke, or sit at a terrace, not enjoying your food and drink, because of someone smoking near you. Smoke in your garden, your car, your bedroom, your shower (difficult, unless you have a very big nose), but do NOT smoke near other people. Don´t you get that???? And now it is proven that smoking can transport the Covid-19 virus cells, it is even more important to not smoke near others. But if you cannot fathom that simple message......

user Suzie Rosetta | over 3 years ago

So...where can one smoke then? Is this just for now, during the pandemia og is it a permanent thing?

user ella | over 3 years ago

Ban on smoking. At last!

user Yogi | over 3 years ago

I hope that the ban on smoking in public spaces remains after all this covid chaos has passed. It’s horrible having to breathe other people’s smoke when on a restaurant terrace or at the beach. People just rock up and light up! Not a care for anyone else. Let’s hope it’s enforced. But not much seen of our local Police since the end of the state of alarm. So not likely.

user kathy | over 3 years ago

Omg, WHAT has smoking got to do with covid 19, absolutely ridiculous, must be a selfish none smoker, as this is so wrong,where are our rights,freedom of speech, have we got to have everything taken from us, just cannot see the point in this, one little bit,and how about people that need to calm themselves this is going to cause some people so many issues, a normal person didn't write this rule. WRONG.

user MR B | over 3 years ago

Well done to the government for banning this foul habit on our streets. let's hope it is a permanent thing!