user Mickey the Martian | over 4 years ago

Having just landed from Mars (with my neg PCR) I’m getting the next rocket back, you humans are just too crazy! That’s why Elon Musk is building his Starship. He wants off. And Trump wanted boots on the Moon (and Mars) too. He must have seen that Apollo astronaut thwack a golf ball into outer space on the moon back in the seventies and thought; “ I want a piece of that” Oh no! I think I’ve caught the Human Crazy Thoughts in Lockdown Disease. Must stop reading the comments in the MDB.

user Juan love | over 4 years ago

Those cops are trigger happy - Colour isn't important, (it just gets more media attention), and such irresponsibly phrased wording in your headline does nothing to help those with their ulterior motives.

user juan molinar | over 4 years ago

my post: juan moinar today, some minor typing errors occured, BUT if you read my post it will open your eyes especially if you loginto the brennan strongy agree with RYAN. T another 4 years in office rump could haveAOSY JOE BIDEN coud go back home. used the near riot asan excuse to declare an state of emergency, then he would stay for another 4 yoars in office .

user juan molinar | over 4 years ago

here one very important post has little-opinion to do with the topic hereBUT neverthelass its mindbowing,,brennan anaysis-what the president Trump-could do-if-he decares-state-of-emergency-insurrection-act-of1807

user Mark Badoer | over 4 years ago

Ryan.........never mind. The moon is made of cheese too and the pope is jewish. You have been lied to. Maybe one day you find out yourself.

user Mark Badoer | over 4 years ago

James, the stupidity of your question/comparison is such, that I did not take it seriously. I wonder why the USA never had a native American as President.

user James | over 4 years ago

Mark Badoer, you forget yourself - I've still got my passport. And, I'm STILL waiting for my question to be answered.

user Ryan | over 4 years ago

Mark, I’m a proud US Citizen and Trump supporter living here in Mallorca. I’ve got a graduate degree a well known Ivy League school and served in the military. Your assessment of Trump supporters is way off base. Many prominent individuals that I work with also support Trump. As for racism, all we heard for months as we watched America burn to the ground by BLM Et al. was “they just want to be heard, sometimes you have to break a few eggs to make a cake, etc” - These Trump supporters love their country and over half of the US believes the election was stolen from them. They’re rightfully mad and feel abandoned by their Government. On top of that, the only one fighting for them was cheated out of a second term. Perhaps you should do some introspection, Mark.

user Rob | over 4 years ago

Maybe but when BLM and their supporters (under the pretext of protesting) were looting , burning vehicles , burning/trashing businesses, beating up business owners and stray members of the public , how many were shot ? , and not just one incident but multiple across many states. A protestor was shot dead yesterday and 3 other deaths

user Mark Badoer | over 4 years ago

James, your remark proves that you know nothing about the USA. Learn a little about the history of the USA and you work it out. Or maybe not actually.