user Gabriel | over 4 years ago

The bad part is not that the bars and restaurants are/stay closed. You can still buy drinks and food and consume them at home. Look at the numbers, it clearly helped. The problem is they don't give the promised help. Where is the erte? Where is the help promised to businesses? I have friends on erte since September. Not one cent. I have friend bar owner. Reached the bottom of his savings. Not one cent of help. I think people would be more relaxed and accept these restrictions easier if they would get the promised help. Imagine waiters, bartenders, chefs with 70% of their salaries, bar/restaurant owners with their rents/expenses covered, with bills reduced as the capacity of their place got reduced...much easier...I think people are mad about the wrong reasons...

user Stan | over 4 years ago

Totally the right decision. It is still out of control in Mallorca, forget about the self interested idiots below, we need lockdown until May to sort this out.

user Rik Daheri | over 4 years ago

I’m concerned this government buckles under pressure from powerful tourism lobby and choose economy over public health. Blabbering about safe corridors and vaccination passports to promote tourism. But the tax paying residents (not in tourism) they cannot provide for or vaccinate until after the summer. Shameful.

user lr | over 4 years ago

this decision does not make any sense, other than showing political power.

user John Parkinson | over 4 years ago

Todos los politicos son iguanes en cual quiet pais olvidate de los pores los trabajadores. Forgive my Spanish hope it says All politicians are the same whatever country.forget the poor people the workers

user Pedro | over 4 years ago

Sí tienen ayudas, además del Take Away y el Delivery.. Hay una que les da 1500€ / mes.

user Fred | over 4 years ago

Catalina. Perdon no hablar Espanol. Perhaps a kind person could translate for me. Thanks.

user James w | over 4 years ago

I think this government has proved to us all that they care more about Covid and saving a few lives, and leave 10,000 of lives in disarray and with no remorse take there livelihoods and put them into poverty with very little help. And this supposed to be a socialist government for the people. Its disgusting on so many levels and I would class it as communism. This government have failed everybody and I for one cannot wait to see the back of them.

user Rich | over 4 years ago

Current infection rate 3.9%. R rate 0.51. ICU used 58%. What exactly are the numbers when our government is prepared to open up the economy to stop irreparable damage being done even more. Come on Armengol let us know what the target is.

user bentlyal | over 4 years ago

perpetual lockdowns is killing people besides the economy.. mental health and being able to provide for their families and businesses decades old & new will not survive and politicians do not get affected as they and ALL CIVIL SERVANTS are on FULL PAY. (tax payers money salaries). the peasants are left behind. Covid 99%+ survival rate.. you know there is something more sinister ... "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result" Albert Einstein