user Swedish | over 4 years ago

Dear Boris, I think you're lying, maybe talking politics? We are not close to the tunnel yet and you know it. Maybe you can go to Majorca because you had covid-19. Feel free to bring your friend Donald with you! BACKGROUND PUBLISHED 19 FEBRUARY Excess mortality in Europe 2020 The difference in the number of deaths in 2020 compared to an average for the years 2016-2019 in each country. Liechtenstein, 20.8 percent, Spain, 18.9, Poland, 18.7, Slovenia, 18.5, Italy, 17.4, Belgium, 16.7, Czech Republic, 16.6, Bulgaria, 15.1, Great Britain, 15.1, Switzerland, 13.0, Malta, 12.6, Lithuania, 12.3. Netherlands, 11.6, Romania, 11.1, Austria, 11.1, Portugal, 11.0, Slovakia, 10.5, France, 10.4, Cyprus, 9.2, Croatia, 9.1, Hungary, 8.1, Sweden, 7.6. Greece, 7.5, Germany, 5.3, Estonia, 3.1, Finland, 2.7, Iceland, 1.6, Denmark, 1.6, Latvia, 0.4, Norway, -0.4. Source: Fredrik Charpentier Ljungqvist, based on data from Eurostat, University of Oxford and Statistics Sweden(SCB). NOTE: Since the measurements began in 1749 in Sweden, the excess mortality in 1773 was 105 139 Swedes died or the equivalent of 5.3 percent of the population. The cause of this was smallpox combined with a dysentery epidemic that claimed the lives of many people. Then comes 1918 with 104,591 deaths (the Spanish flu) and 1857 when 101,491 people died, mainly from dysentery and cholera.

user PS2 | over 4 years ago

Bulletin (Majorca Daily) "a short news programme on television or radio, often about something that has just happened, or a short newspaper printed by an organization" Source: What is your organization?

user SVEN | over 4 years ago

Have you looked at the last two very dunner-holding matches with English teams on the Champions League? Leipz vs. Liverpool (0-2), last week Atlético Madrid vs. Chelsea (0-1), today Tuesday Both Liverpool (My English Team) and Chelsea played very entertaining and honest football! And the judges were very good. But, Liverpool match was played in Budapest and Chelsea match in Bucharest. Thus, no one wants to play with Britons in the core of Cahmpions League in the EU !! (Return Chelsea vs. Atlético Madrid will be played at Stamford Bridge!) Do you think you will somehow affect the EU when it comes to a Corona Pass?!

user Andrew | over 4 years ago

Says Martin who sounds like he can barely read or write. Please come on holiday to Magaluf Martin, the shops that sell kebabs, all day breakfasts, two for one pints and show live football all day are missing you a lot. As are the tattoo shops and the chemists that sell lotions for sun burn. I live in Mallorca and despite no holiday season last year, I can assure you that the quality of life here is vastly superior to your council estate in dreary Dagenham.

user Martin | over 4 years ago

You don’t tell anybody anything mate you’d be one of the first to come running back when Mallorca is living on bread and water because the economy is bust

user Steven | over 4 years ago

So much ranting in the comments based purely on speculation. What we have been told :- UK govt will release a report in April with their plans. Spain will vaccinate all adults by summer. England likely to allow overseas travel in June - but what requirements for leaving the country we don’t know. Requirements for entering any other country - we don’t know.

user Steve, Son Maties | over 4 years ago

Not till we're all vaccinted in Mallorca pal, - WE'LL TELL YOU WHEN YOU CAN COME THANKS...

user Peter | over 4 years ago

So if all Britain is vaccinated they can travel wherever they want ? We can all spread the virus, whether we're vaccinated or not, so what about the people they're visiting, - don't they matter ?

user E Weldon | over 4 years ago

Sadly, I had to cancel 5 visits last year and February this year! I’ve had 1st vaccine and waiting for my second in two weeks time! I work in NHS and I’ve seen the devastation and heartbreak Covid causes to the staff, patients and their relatives. I will be waiting till Summer 2022 till I return

user Michael | over 4 years ago

If holidays to the Balearics are to resume the UK needs to get a Vaccine Passport in place. The Balearic Government want all tourism to resume but only if safe. To say they don’t want the Brits is just not true. To be honest the Brits are the big spenders and a major contributor to Island finances. Many British have homes and/or holiday homes over all the Islands and are desperate to return. The only way forward is a vaccine passport and without it entry must be denied.