user CHRISTINE TEALE | over 3 years ago

If UK citizens can't stay in an EU country for 6 months EU citizens should not be able to spend 6 months in UK without visa we should do the same as EU

user Pedro | over 3 years ago

Paul, why is it that my fellow compatriots always wear blinkers? The door swings both ways! Brexit was all about not wanting EU citizens bloating the UK. The controls are down to Brexiteers, so you make life what it is.

user Paul Randall | over 3 years ago

Many people saying 'you get what you deserve' are missing the point. Post Brexit EU citizens have a right to spend 180 continuous days in the UK per year visa free. Brits are only allowed 90 days in 180 in the EU / Schengen area. All that is being asked for is a reciprocal regime where all are allowed the same facility.

user Chris Thompson | over 3 years ago

This is an excellent article and I wish the author every success. The issue he raises is a concern to us as we own a property in Mallorca where we had hoped to spend many months every year in our retirement. If the UK has a more generous scheme for EU citizens, it would make sense for negatively impacted countries like Spain to reciprocate, especially as other EU countries are already starting to do exactly that. Common sense should prevail, additional days will mean additional expenditure in a country which has suffered greatly from a lack of tourism this last year and the recovery will take time. I must say 'I did not vote for Brexit' but we are where we are, let us try to do the best we can without unnecessary constraints.

user Martin | over 3 years ago

How the hell does Brexit affect your business we’ve only just left fully it doesn’t affect bars restaurant or holidays covid has done that all I can work out is you had a failing business and your using Brexit as a sorry excuse for your business people who own second homes but don’t want to to stay permanently still have to pay taxes and other bills just like living there permanently and as for expat DONT YOU MEAN IMMIGRANTS so don’t bleat on about how hard done by you are

user Andrew Rauch | over 3 years ago

I am South African and had owned property in Spain for 15 years and was never welcome. I had to get Visas and could stay for 90 days max. Get used to it! I only got residencia because I married a European. Why should it be different for the UK? Border control is still incredulous each time I enter that a South African was given the right to stay. Even getting residencia was a two year ordeal. You have it easy. As noted below. Pick a side and do what we all do who are not EU citizens. You still have it easy!! Stop moaning. UK made its bed so lie in it.

user Pedro | over 3 years ago

Amanda, don't get hood-winked by unscrupulous advisors. This 90 day rule is not Spanish, it is a Shengen rule any lawyer here that says they can get around it is conning you. Anyhow, 183 days in Spain in a year means you must pay your global taxes in Spain.

user Pedro | over 3 years ago

Andrew, you should read this article line by line and accept the consequences of what the our brain-washed and bewildered compatriots voted for - to leave the EU club. It was a mindless decision for the UK to implement, but there it is.

user Nigel | over 3 years ago

Just think it through, most of the non-resident people with homes I know do not spend more than 3 months in the year in Mallorca. Previously unless you became resident the maximum stay was 6 months unless you wanted to become tax liable in Spain. So, really for a vast majority there is no difference except for those who ignored EU regulations. However, I suspect the financial side will overcome Brexit and Spain will agree to similar status as Norway and Switzerland. The future looks good for Brexit, wish I could say the same for the EU.

user Steve, Son Maties | over 3 years ago

Why should that bother us here ? We didn't vote for Brexit, and in any case we don't want any tourists here until we're all vaccinated.