user Mikey Winz | over 3 years ago

People are so god damned complacent, governments making up these investment visa scenarios, basically allowing citizenship via money!! Are you freaking kidding me?? Everybody is just going to accept these new "mexican bribe" type scenarios thought up by these beaureaucrats!? We are all on earth, i for one am sick of my freedoms and choices being limited by grey suits looking to demarcate everywhere and my life experiences because of greed!

user Peter James | over 3 years ago

I’ve owned a property in Marbella Spain for 20 years. I voted Brexit I knew the consequences. No regrets here. I’m happy to stay under 90 days. I use as a holiday home only. When the time comes I will sell it for a tasty profit. for now I will have my 3 months a year and the family can have theirs. Best of both worlds for me.. adios Espana and the EU. My monies also going to Turkey next year.

user Oliverson | over 3 years ago

All the Remoaners on here, button it. The UK left the EU, get over it. Perhaps the UK should treat the EU as a '3rd country' and impose a similar 90/180 day restriction instead of the generous 180/365 that currently exists?

user Maurice Belaqua | over 3 years ago

No it has not 'to be resolved', this is it! It's the same rules for ALL the 3rd countries. The UK decided to join them and now they have to abide by those rules. "Welcome to Brexit, Sir. I'm sorry."

user Minnie | over 3 years ago

Well that is what was voted for. It's always been the rule for 3rd countries and they have to get on with it stop whining and trying to get special treatment, and accept the rules.

user Martin Whyte | over 3 years ago

You wanted Brexit , SUCK IT UP ! Those of us that live here were robbed of our Brexit vote , we are left abandoned by the UK government & suffering the fallout ! I dont really see any reason why you feel " special" ? What makes you exempt from EU law . I suggest you get over it & if you can't then sell up & enjoy Brext , just stop whining because you got EXACTLY What you voted for ! Oops, didn't Boris tell you about all these problems !!!!!

user Andrew Rauch | over 3 years ago

Boo Hoo!! Join the rest of the worlds worth of non EU citizens! That is the way it is. I have had property for 25 years and I dutifully get my visa and depart after 90 days. I only got residencia after 15 years of visiting Spain because I married an EU citizen. Stop moaning and enjoy Brexit!

user Vallsman | over 3 years ago

I contacted the Spanish Embassy in Manchester, via email, just two weeks ago and received a well structured response. For me, the only option is the 'Golden Visa'. I agree with some of the comments re our Uk Government's response / attitude. I emailed our local MP, an X cabinet member who in turn inquired upon the FCO who responded with the often rolled out default text. I'm only asking for a reciprocal arrangement, a EU citizen can stay in the Uk for 180 days visa free.

user AngryBrit | over 3 years ago

Its a real problem this. Brits have been coming to Mallorca and spending the majority of the year here without registering for residencia and without paying taxes and now we are told they can only spend 90 days here in a 6 month period. Its absolutely outrageous. Brits deserve to be able to do whatever they want. Oh and taking away our right to healthcare even though we don't pay taxes, its criminal.

user Rodge | over 3 years ago

Stephen, you sound like every single other Brexiteer I know. Thick as pig$#it.