user Alan | over 3 years ago

@Colin Thompson. Why did you book a flight ? Until June only residents are allowed to enter here, its been thar way for a long time now...

user John Law | over 3 years ago

@Colin Thompson. You must have a valid necessary reason for travel, there's a list that you can refer to. Just owning property here does not necessitate travel, and an NIE is not a residence permit. (You can find this info without buying a ticket).

user Mark | over 3 years ago

It’s not rocket science working out why India is riddled with covid

user Lisa | over 3 years ago

With the appalling vaccination rate in Mallorca, how could they possibly be surprised they didn’t make the green list? Lots of political rhetoric, very little action. And they ran out of vaccines on Friday!!! You have to admire the Portuguese. They were red list. They went quiet, sourced vaccines and got their population vaccinated. Clever.

user John | over 3 years ago

So sorry to hear about your experience, Colin. Particularly as German travellers (not tourists, owners) are taking off in Cologne etc and landing in Palma almost as we speak. With much higher incidence and lower rate/uptake of vaccination. Whatever one's stand on international travel, there is little point in vying for tourism from the UK and at the same time making people's life a misery when they arrive at the airport in Palma.

user Adam Walker | over 3 years ago

Why doesn’t the Spanish Government lift the current ban immediately on UK visitors and let those travelling with tests and vaccination from 17 May choose whether to travel and isolate upon their return which would gain an extra 2 weeks of revenue?

user johnboy | over 3 years ago

I have been visiting Majorca for 40 years and will continue to visit. I will not be visiting anywhere overseas until everything is hopefully back to how it was. Money appears to be the driving force to open up travel and though I sympathise with people reliant on tourism peoples health is more important. I do not want to travel wearing a facemask or be served food in my hotel or take a lateral flow test before returning home. I want a carefree holiday.

user Stephen Machin | over 3 years ago

Colin, are you a resident in Spain? Do you mean TIE because a NIE is just a number?

user Tom | over 3 years ago

Of course they slam the decision as they care only about their profits and not general public health ! Hope the same airlines will be ready to repatriate on their own cost the millions of tourists they dump everywhere when restrictions tighten heavily 2-3 months from now due to fourth wave of covid which is inevitable . See India , Japan , Nepal etc etc .

user Steve, Son Maties | over 3 years ago

These people only care about themselves, they don't live in Spain, and couldn't care less if our contagion rates skyrocket as a result. The UK has made an excellent ruling, they just need to find a way to control the required confinement law for those irresponsible ones that may come here.