user Jonathan Kinsey-Jones | over 3 years ago

I wondered if someone could give me an opinion on whether direct flights from Jersey Channel Islands will be allowed to operate to Mallorca. Flights for the 22nd and 29th have now been cancelled and we are booked to fly on the 5th June which the local operator has not as yet cancelled? Any words of wisdom?

user Juan love | over 3 years ago

So many self entitled simpletons who don't yet understand that there is more chance of catching thrombosis from Covid than from the vaccine for it - must be the Social media mentality generation I suppose.

user james | over 3 years ago

So many retards taking the vaccine in these comments, boomer expats I guess.

user jen | over 3 years ago

Steve Of course I now this. I am sure James knows it too. My rhetorical question has completely escaped you hasn't it?

user James T | over 3 years ago

Given that Spain has now exited it's State of Emergency and given what we saw of people's behaviour immediately afterwards, I think it's pretty clear our rates are going to start going up again.... The UK govt are not going to put Spain on the green list any time soon. What the Spanish or Baleraric governments want to do is largely irrelevant.

user Jonathan Meeson | over 3 years ago

will Ryanair still need a PCR to fly when Spain says we do not need one

user James w | over 3 years ago

To all the people that have bought the fear propaganda and are that scared of this flu virus. Stay at home lock your doors seal or your windows with gaffe tape. But let the rest of us function and start getting the economy back up and running. We have to start living with this.

user Steve, Son Maties | over 3 years ago

@jen and James w. The answer to your questions is that the virus can be carried by anybody, vaccinated oor otherwise. Having a test shows whether you're carrying it or not, and the vast majority of people here are not vaccinated. Did you really not know this ?

user Rich | over 3 years ago

"I am not prepared to risk one life" our glorious leader uttered some time ago. Surely, as more recently, she will be given the power to decide which route mallorca takes. Will she protect mallorquians or the hoteliers? As if we don't know the answer to that!

user Fred | over 3 years ago

@ JACQUELINE CAROL NEAL. I couldn't AGREE more WITH what you are SAYING. I too HAVE A random KEYBOARD that capitalises WORDS for NO reason WHATSOEVER..