user Sayhi | over 3 years ago

Mark Badoer. I know where you live!

user Amy | over 3 years ago

It somewhat detracts from Mark Badoer's claim of being superior, when he misspells the poster of the comments name twice. 🙈

user Andy | over 3 years ago

@James T. Much better to have 12 toes than no brain.

user Dave | over 3 years ago

Its been a while since BadBore has been on here spouting his nonsense. Glad to have you back, we have all missed our local village idiot.

user TJ | over 3 years ago

Just basic manners, but that’s not expected off all, I’ve realised that most keyboard warriors on here come alive at night ..... hello James T

user James T | over 3 years ago

Don't expect reasoned, logical responses here Mark. Half the people who read this have 12 toes!

user Mark Badoer | over 3 years ago

Sorry TJ, I didn't realise you are so sensitive. I am just allergic for fake news and misinformation. But this is the problem with social media, forums and comment items like we have here. Blink your eyes and (some) people actually believe it, even storm the Capitol because of it.

user TJ | over 3 years ago

@Mark do you actually realise how you come across on your post.... like a bully, well done pal, hope it’s made your day !

user Mark Badoer | over 3 years ago

@Sahyi: do you actually realise the stupidity level of your post? So we had snow last month and you didn't think it was hot, so it must be fake news. People who actually measure these things with highly sophisticated weather instruments, must of course be wrong. My god, and people like Sahyi are allowed to vote and have offspring.

user Adam | over 3 years ago

This whole deal really is Gotten completely out of control for sure we need to take better care of the planet we live on but come on people im not sure how many of you have visited places in Asia etc but they throw everything in the sea and even places like Mallorca are still pumping raw sewage into the sea and then they say it was an accident greta and her business friends are going to get rich from this , im going to keep doing as I've always done take care clean up put the rubbish in the correct place .