user E Weldon | over 3 years ago

Today TUI announced that they have cancelled ALL Scottish Flights to Spain till end of July 2021

user Margaret | over 3 years ago

Someone talking sense at last! She is totally spot on!

user Mark Badoer | over 3 years ago

Everybody else from all over Europe and others parts of the world is now visiting and holidaying here. So what´s your point Stan and others? It is only the British that think Mallorca is unsafe. So good luck with that.

user johnb | over 3 years ago

Anybody who believes now that the UK will change to green list for the bottom of the vaccination table and come to visit us with no tests required Mallorca. Is just plain CUCKOO!

user John Law | over 3 years ago

Armengol wants separate rulings for the Balearics by statng that we're in a better position here than the mainland, but it's a lie of course, we're actually the worst levels of vaccination in Spain. Unreliable data is another failure on the UK's criteria list, along with non-reducing contagion rates and insufficient vaccination levels. So she hasn't helped her cause in the end....

user John Law | over 3 years ago

Armengol wants separate rulings for the Balearics by statng that we're in a better position here than the mainland, but it's a lie of course, we're actually the worst levels of vaccination in Spain. Unreliable data is another failure on the UK's criteria list, along with non-reducing contagion rates and insufficient vaccination levels. So she hasn't helped her cause in the end....

user Steve, Son Maties | over 3 years ago

Wow, the truth at last. So sick of reading lies and bulls*it from the hotelier's federation puppet...

user Lisa | over 3 years ago

Whatever political party you support, this woman is spot on. The British have said that their number one criteria for the green list is vaccinations. The Balearic vaccine rollout is appalling. Worse still, this week two mayor retailers in mallorca offered to help out and vaccinate staff - as they had in Valencia ... the Balearic Government said no. Pride? Stupidity? Who knows. Yet, they are happy to allow in British tourists (yes the UK where the new Delta variant is running wild) with no testing. This isn’t clever politics. This is just madness. We should support opposition leaders who are flagging the issues - this situation needs to be addressed.

user Daz | over 3 years ago

Lets put the British Government to one side for now and lets talk about the tourists. I have travelled to Majorca every year since the mid 80s but I wouldnt want to travel there now. Lets start with the airport, once you check in you are stuck in a departure lounge with hundreds/ thousands of people with not much hope of social distancing. Next the flight stuck in a tube shoulder to shoulder wearing masks for upto three hours. You have landed everyone standing up over you waiting to get off then the long queues at the airport, passport control etc and believe me I have stood in some really long queues in there. Next the coach journey, sitting on a cramped coach waiting for it to fill up. Then you have the hotel again standing around in all that heat waiting to check in with a mask on. Then bars and clubs shutting early because they have been told to do so no it just doesnt sound very attractive to me at all then on top of all this the local government charging a family a tourist tax on top of the expense of the holiday. More people are staying in the UK because they have made massive improvements to their homes, garden bars etc whilst they were locked down how do I know because I am one of them, drive around any street and they look like building sites. No money left to go abroad this year. I'm sorry but the government have done the right thing because the Majorca has opened its doors to Europe so the potential of a spread is huge especially with a low vaccine rate. Hopefully next year things may change however will flight companies and hotels bars and restaurants stick their prices up to try and make it back up quickly because that will be a recipe for disaster too.

user Dave Martín | over 3 years ago

The corrupt PP party do whatever it takes to overthrow the gov, even if it's against the interest of the citizens, so they lie and don't propose anything. In Balearics they have injected the 93.5% of the vaccines we've received, so shame on the PP!