user James w | over 3 years ago

Britain has bigger problems than Covid, when they actually decide to stop sh#tting themselves over a flu virus that will forever have variants. Then they might actually moved forward and tackle some serious issues. Britain is a mess!

user Burgundy Blue | over 3 years ago

Well said, Mike R. He calls himself Franco, and then expects Mallorquins to agree with him? Glad he is staying in England. Wouldnt want his village to lose the best idiot they've had in generations.

user Mike R | over 3 years ago

Franco, believe me, we're all mightily relieved that you are in the UK too, and not here. Please stay there.

user johnb | over 3 years ago

It's not all great Franco. Spain - current daily total getting covid 3,300....UK - 9,000. Total deaths Spain - 80,000.. UK - 127,000.. Spain slow with vaccination, dealing with the same variant. UK keep leaving the door open and welcoming new ones. Not all Rosey.

user Franco | over 3 years ago

Very glad I was able to get permanent residency in Global Britain. The Covid restrictions are not a great problem and the vaccination roll out quite amazing, medical staf, the army and thousands of volunteers is the secret to how the UK carried out 880,000 vaccinations in one single day, frankly amazed and similar figures on a continuing basis. Now all adults 18+ can be vaccinated immediately. The same cooperation and sense of public duty simply does not exist in Spain. Thank goodness I am In UK.

user Stephen | over 3 years ago

Some very deluded expats living in Majorca I see. Even though I am a property owner in Majorca very glad we are staying in UK this year well away from barely inoculated Majorca. Also note that many of the islands crime and social problems coming to the surface no there is not the distraction of tourists. That combined with socialist governments will finish Majorca off economically, just look at the flood of UK property hitting the market at reduced prices.

user Nigel | over 3 years ago

Since they wear masks in China, and the ports of S China have ships with half a million empty containers at anchor waiting to berth, but due to the virus the workforce is sick, and unable to work, work in the ports has ground to a standstill so the empties can not be filled, and exports held up. wearing a mask does not seem the protection we are led to believe!

user Sara O. | over 3 years ago

Jimbo: more likely to be pollen allergies. It’s that time of year and I’m one that suffers them. I’ll continue to wear a mask until the pollen season is over as I’m sure my sneezing and occasional coughing will not be welcomed by those near me if I go maskless. A mask also helps to keep the pollen away from my nose! But for everyone else there’s no reason why not at this stage.

user James w | over 3 years ago

Finally some common sense and positivity. It's nice to see Spain believing the vaccine works and the constant fear mongering isn't helpful at all. The negativity coming from the UK is awful to watch and read they have scared the life out of most of there population and continuing to do so. They tell everybody to get vaccinated but don't believe in the vaccine and keep restrictions in place. Thank the lord I don't live there anymore. Its divided and depressed and has no identity as a nation. Sorry times sad thing is I don't see it getting any better.

user John | over 3 years ago

First positive step back to normality. Everybody it's time to start moving forward now.