user Kfir | over 3 years ago

If you follow international news, you know Israel has a small but very significant outbreak. 40% of the covid patients are fully vaccinated and are sick with the delta strain. The majority of the UK sick are with Delta. I support Boris Johnson's hesitation.

user Alan | over 3 years ago

Let's be clear, being vaccinated hopefully protects you from the more serious effects of the virus if you catch it. It doesn't prevent you from catching it, and it doesn't protect anybody else from catching it from you. Therefore thinking that it somehow makes it safer to travel is nonsense, either for you or your host destination, and especially dangerous for largely unvaccinated places like Mallorca, at only 30%.. Either a thoughtless, or a selfish attitude....

user TJ | over 3 years ago

Joan - meet John I think you’ll get on

user Peter | over 3 years ago

Wow, there's some Brand New Brains here, - never been used,, - and that includes the author of this article....

user Joan | over 3 years ago

TJ. Who cares whether or not a tourist falls ill while they're here, they shouldn't be here, and they've been told that. It's us and our future economy that we're worried about, Yesterday we had our highest number of new cases in months, you won't "kick start" an economy by putting future lockdowns at risk. Haven't you ever listened to Boris ?

user John Law | over 3 years ago

TJ. Then why do Brits think they should be able to come here, - rethink your comment mate....

user TJ | over 3 years ago

John, I doubt anybody wants to spread the virus to unprotected people whenever they want… what a ridiculous comment

user John Law | over 3 years ago

@Steve Riches.So you think that as long as you've had two jabs and you're protected, you should be allowed to go and spread the virus to unprotected people wherever you want ?

user TJ | over 3 years ago

I think if people have had 2 jabs then they should be allowed to travel, the infection is less transmissible and they are less likely to fall ill in Mallorca and need hospital treatment, the economy needs a kick start and starting with the vaccinated is far more reasonable than opening up to all, an element of social distancing is needed until the population of Mallorca residents are vaccinated, and a common sense approach from tourists, we have to learn to live with this virus until we are in control of it fully like a flu virus, industries are dying and with are peoples homes, mental health and general state of mind, it’s time to move forward

user Steve, Son Maties | over 3 years ago

@Steve Riches. I misnderstood your post, I now think that you need two jabs of common sense mate. What has a tourist's jab status got to do with going to a country that's not vaccinated. Use your head man, stop thinking of just yourself, do us a favour and stay at home...