user Fran | over 3 years ago

Great for us as a couple coming in July from the UK, we are double vaccinated and both had Covid before. I think I can speak for 'most' considerate travellers that we will have a PCR 48 before arrival, and will abide by all the safety measures in place in both countries. We have 'had enough' too, and the last thing anyone wants is to spread new variants (which undoubtedly do spread even if you locked down every country - look at Australia...). We should be all working together, taking safety precautions so that some kind of 'normality' can be achieved. We have to live with this virus forever unfortunately and nobody wants to be locked down permanently. I really hope we are welcomed by Mallorcan residents as a positive step, which will be very closely monitored by both governments.

user Kev | over 3 years ago

I see those who love being negative are out in force. We've been dealing with covid for a year and a half now and we are now armed with the weapons to fight it. Time to get on with living.

user Tom Anderson | over 3 years ago

The watchlist thing is a bit of a red herring I think. Yes it looks like a risk after Portugal, but don't forget the second half of the UK announcement this evening that double vaccinated returning Brits won't need to quarantine from amber countries from later in the su,,er. So even if it does turn amber in August say, if you've had the jabs then it won't make any difference to you.

user Ian | over 3 years ago

I do believe that people should provide evidence of a negative covid test before entering any country. We arrived without one as it was not required, but we did a test ourselves before we went out to do shopping on our second day. This was repeated a few days later as we have a friend who is not well. If we are all considerate towards each other this will work for all concerned

user CG | over 3 years ago

two comments: how many Brits will actually come after the Portugal debacle when they were on the green list for a matter of a few weeks, before returning to amber….leaving thousands of Brits scrambling for flights home before the deadline, or being forced to quarantine in return home. Secondly, just wait for the pressure of France and Germany to be exerted on Spain and Malta to fall into line with the rest of Europe who currently require quarantine on arrival from UK.

user James T | over 3 years ago

The problem, James W, is that the Balearic population are largely unvaccinated, unlike the UK. UK tourists will take the Delta variant into a population that has little resistance to any Covid strain, and it's twice as transmissable as the original.

user ADAM | over 3 years ago


user David | over 3 years ago

Get ready folks! How to squeeze 20m+ sun starved brits into 4 tiny islands? Will be absolute chaos, on the roads, at the airport and the hotels. Not to mention supermarkets and restaurants!

user James w | over 3 years ago

@Lisa delta variant poses no extra threat and is covered by the vaccine. Relax with the drama there are more important things to worry about. Try and move forward and get on with your life. Don't let Covid consume you like it has to so many.

user James w | over 3 years ago

@Lisa delta variant poses no extra threat and is covered by the vaccine. Relax with the drama there are more important things to worry about. Try and move forward and get on with your life. Don't let Covid consume you like it has to so many.