user Terry | over 3 years ago

If you make it too difficult for us to come from the UK I'll just go somewhere else like Turkey or stay in the UK. I'm not going to be forced to take a vaccine.

user leanne | over 3 years ago

if the spanish think there is no delta variant on the island already they are sorely mistaken. all the hallmarks are already there.

user Jackie D | over 3 years ago

The only reason the British figures are so high is because they are still surge testing! No other European countries are doing this - if they were, their cases would be rising too. On the plus side Britain is leading the way on vaccines.

user UllaK | over 3 years ago

Chris, all EU countries have exactly the same requirements as the British, no difference. These requirements have been in force for a long time.

user Ullak | over 3 years ago

David, what you don't get is that they have requested negative PCR test or fully vaccinated 2 weeks before entering from ALL EU countries, for a very long time. A bit rich to accuse Spain ignoring science, as UK is not in the forefront despite lots vaccinated. It's is rather simple PCR or fully vaccinated, can't be any more simple.

user The Happy Doctor | over 3 years ago

It’s not the adults you should be worrying about. The delta virus is spreading like wildfire amongst school kids, yet there are no plans to test them before entry.

user GrahamJ | over 3 years ago

Majorca has tightened it’s rules that’s for sure..... have a look at car hire costs and accomodation prices ! Almost 800 for a basic car for two weeks fully comp. nahhhhhh.... I’ll stick to the UK THIS YEAR AND THE. UNTIL Majorca properly welcomes us back

user Stephen | over 3 years ago

A lot of very sour grapes English expats resident in the islands I see from the comments. Very virtuous about “our islands”. Well I can put your mind at rest most of us Brits with properties in Majorca will NOT be visiting this year as your vaccination levels are still far to low, and we don’t want to bring any virus back to the UK. So you can sit quite happily on your empty beaches and empty bars.

user Helena Geary | over 3 years ago

I can assure you all from U.K. Indian variant - it is not half as serious as original covid variant. We are doing more than 3 x the amount of testing Germany, France etc are doing hence the higher test levels but low volumes, we have over 61% of country vaccinated. The whole PCR thing is very a stressful and unnecessary not to mention expensive, we have been told we can’t use the free NHS PCR test but have to pay between £150-£300 for a private company. This rule will put many brits off travelling

user janedew | over 3 years ago

All the holiday destinations that rely on tourist money want our money but not our physical presence. You can't have one without the other.