Dave, I have to hand it to you, that was a good one about the 10 euro hookers! Hahahaha. +1 for u.
I know Andy, I know.
Just joking Francois.
Andy, I'm double vaccinated and have nothing against wearing a mask. Still not welcome? Jees...
Andy, he should try the Mallorca Daily Frogetin.
@Francois. Great comment but we don't allow French people on here.
James - Now a while has passed since your barely literate, nonsensical and embarrassingly infantile post was written, do you still have the same views?
@Francois Entirely correct. Their online readership would zoom if left like this, but thin-skinned they are - especially when you criticize the reportage and often very poorly composed headlines. And god forbid railing against our "Betters" on the Council.
I think the moderator has fallen asleep on this thread!!
Is there a reason that you needed to point out the hookers specifically were black? Racist prick.