user colin croucher | over 2 years ago

We have looked at the rules. We are both double vaccinated and do not need a test before I come into palma,however to get home I need two tests. As i understand it one 2 days before i leave palma and one when i get home. If I test positive in Palma I have to be put into an isolation hotel in Majorca. I have just heard of a nightmare someone has had with this. There is very little written about this. What is the real truth. Is it a major problem . It has put us off travelling to Majorca a place we love because i cannot afford to be isolated away from home. So no trip this year.

user Rich | over 2 years ago

Are vaccinated people included in the test? Or are they assumed to be negative? If they are included then surely the results should be split into two groups? An efficacy study if you will.

user Alan | over 2 years ago

If you're nervous, why go away. Seems a bit stupid to me. Is the UK such a terrible place for a holixay ?

user Lisa | over 2 years ago

Whoever’s in charge in the traffic light system has been inept and chaotic so far. It would be so typical for them to wait until the crowds have had their holiday then slap us with the red list. Look what they did to France. Idiots.

user Compo | over 2 years ago

If there is nervousness, it is whipped up by the media who love any opportunity to create a drama, even if it is unfounded and damages the livelihoods of all those in the travel and tourism industries. Of course, they will run a story the next day how the same people are suffering due to the 'confusion' and 'chaos' caused by the gov's traffic light system. The reality is that it is the British media that create the nervousness, confusion and chaos!

user Mr Mansur | over 2 years ago

This is naughty headline-grabbing. The statistics are based on data that is 4-7 weeks old and was released 3 weeks ago, why highlight it now? Wait for tomorrow's new data release of the DHSC statistics where the new data released will be 1-4 weeks old and then we can guess where Spain will end up on the traffic light list. ( Look for table 21, then look for Spain - positivity rate. If you catch it quick at i am sure it will make for a good article! Cheers - love your news site.

user Dino | over 2 years ago

It's also a fact that the UK does not have enough hotel rooms to accommodate the numbers that would be forced into quarantine.

user Joe | over 2 years ago

Who are the British holiday makers please Humphrey that are worried and what research have you carried out for this article? As per John's comments, vaccination is up / rates are down. It's common sense that the most % of British holiday makers are returning from Spain / Balearics with more positive cases than any other country simply because it's the most popular holiday destination!! I'm intrigued to find out who these holiday makers are and if you're just writing this report as a reaction to recent British newspapers releases ? Please provide us some facts ....

user jen | over 2 years ago

We would have booked a couple of holidays in Majorca if it wasn't for the UK insisting of testing on our return. I am sure many people feel like us. Two vaccinations and it is still not enough???

user Franco | over 2 years ago

Anyone taking an overseas holiday in a pandemic got to be barmy. Glad we are like most people staying in the UK this year and really enjoying it.