user Gabriel | over 3 years ago

Rich, it is, as long as they don't reach into your pocket (you have other reasonable prices choices, for example your have a cheap option in the pharmacy for 5 ffp2 masks). They just offer a product, you are free to buy it or not...

Rich Jack Rich | over 3 years ago Is it moral for these people to profit from a deadly pandemic? Morality does not exist when desperation evolves into hysteria. This is the most disgusting outcome of covid.

Rich Jack Rich | over 3 years ago Is it moral for these people to profit from a deadly pandemic? Morality does not exist when desperation evolves into hysteria. This is the most disgusting outcome of covid.

Rich Jack Rich | over 3 years ago

Yes, happy xmas everyone! Both vaxxed and unvaxxed, we are all individuals. I shall not be out this xmas as I'm banned from being so, but it's my choice, at least I still have a choice. You won't get infected by me...and I won't get infected by you, vaxxed or not.

user Varant | over 3 years ago

Merry Christmas everyone. Have a fabulous time and enjoy these moments with your loved ones.

user James | over 3 years ago

@Mark, give it a rest mate! It's Christmas. I bet its fun round your table at Christmas:) Can we not have some positivity? Whatever way you slice it, it's better than Delta and hopefully means you won't need a shot every 3 months. Unless that's what gets you going?

user Mark | over 3 years ago

Rich, yes, that is what the virologists hope too. As that means with a mix vaccination and spreading of this omicron virus means we all really start building herd immunity. But I am sure you know a much better version, approved by Donald Trump.

user Peter | over 3 years ago

Rich, yes that's as maybe but it will be this variant i.e. the mild one, won't stop you getting the next or previous versions vaccines or not.

Rich Jack Rich | over 3 years ago

It appears to me that within the next 70 days the entire population of the world will have been infected with omicron, assuming the transmission figures we've been given are correct.

Rich Jack Rich | over 3 years ago

Mark, When I go out I also take precautions against it's possible 'candiru' ability.