Etiqueta 'European Union'


Changing times

“Spain´s new attitude towards Gibraltar is certainly refreshing...”

Jason Moore17/09/2020 09:31


Will Brussels sprout?

The European Union has come up with a financial package but little else.

Humphrey Carter07/08/2020 00:57

EU leaders summit in Brussels


Spain to receive 140 bln euros from EU recovery fund, half in grants

Spain will use the proceeds to encourage investment in its economy's digital transformation, the transition into greener energy sources and education, Sanchez said.

Reuters21/07/2020 16:02

EU leaders summit in Brussels


EU leaders show first signs of compromise on stimulus plan

Divided and slow to respond at the start of the coronavirus outbreak in Europe, EU leaders believe they now have a chance to redeem themselves.

Reuters20/07/2020 16:02

EU leaders summit in Brussels


Spain's Sanchez says leaders have obligation to find a deal in EU summit

European Union leaders have an obligation to their citizens to reach an agreement on the EU recovery fund.

Reuters17/07/2020 15:56

US special representative


United States not on EU's 'safe' travel list, diplomats say

United States, Russia, Brazil not included in the safe travel list.

Reuters30/06/2020 11:52


Baldrick’s Brexit plan

Surely any sensible government would have pushed for an extension.

Humphrey Carter12/06/2020 18:14


The long wait

“The Germans are starting to arrive on Monday the British will have to wait...”

Jason Moore09/06/2020 18:19


Didn’t he do well...?

He gave Europe a going over, even upset Brussels but the Spanish PM is in the money.

Humphrey Carter29/05/2020 17:50


The taxing question

Sooner or later it had be addressed, does Spain raise taxes to save the economy?

Humphrey Carter22/05/2020 18:19


The future of the EU

Spain’s deputy PM has warned the EU to either step up or risk extinction.

Humphrey Carter08/05/2020 17:34

A combination photo in Magalluf


EU governments risk clash with EU exec in bid to save tourism season

Customers must have the right to choose between a cash refund or accepting a voucher for a future package holiday.

Reuters28/04/2020 14:32

Donald Rumsfeld, former US defence secretary

My Column

What does the future hold?

The problem with speculating about the post-Covid world is that it may not be a matter of our shaping the future, but of being shaped by it.

Donald Trelford27/04/2020 09:49


Sorry, I should think so!

Ten days ago I took the EU to task over its failure to act as one to fight the virus, now it is sorry.

Humphrey Carter16/04/2020 18:12

People wearing protective face masks pray in front of the coffin of a person who died of coronavirus disease


Spain's coronavirus deaths pass 14,600, but real toll may be bigger

“There are no good numbers when it comes to deaths ... (but) we are now in the slowdown phase,” Health Minister Salvador Illa said.

Reuters08/04/2020 20:52


The non European Union

The European Union has shown itself to be a dysfunctional family.

Humphrey Carter07/04/2020 11:48

A Union flag flies at Europa Point in front of the Rock (rear), a monolithic limestone promontory


Spanish border logjam a bigger threat to Gibraltar finance than Brexit

After a post-Brexit transition period ends in December, Britain may get some direct access to EU financial markets under the bloc's 'equivalence' system.

Reuters11/02/2020 10:36


D-Day for Britain

“Spain is not going to put up barriers to its principal tourist market...”

Jason Moore31/01/2020 10:02


The end

“Britain is leaving the European Union and I doubt that anyone is surprised...”

Jason Moore30/01/2020 10:20