Shoppers in Palma. | E. Queirolo


Small businesses in Palma were hoping Black Friday and Christmas shopping would help them scratch back some of the money they’ve lost because of the coronavirus crisis, but sales have plummeted by 60% year-on-year in the run up to the end of 2020, according to Pimeco President Antoni Fuster and Afedeco Vice President Miguel Ángel Salvá.

"I pay 2,000 euros rent, 1,500 euros in wages for one employee and I made 50 euros in cash today,” said one business owner.

Traders claim the new restrictions in Mallorca have doused any hope of a last minute flurry of shoppers.

"If people can't have a coffee in a bar or go to a restaurant to eat, they’ll come the centre of Palma less often," said Salvá.


Clothing, Footwear and Accessories Sector sales are the worst affected, according to Fuster, who says technological products, such as computers and television are doing a little better. Toy sales also fell by 50% but they usually pick up in the last week of December and early January.

Salvá says sales have fallen by 40-60% compared to 2019 and estimates 30% of businesses have already gone bust.

Palma has been littered with ‘Transfer’ and ‘Liquidation’ posters in the last few months.

"I have never seen 7 empty premises on Carrer de Sant Miquel in Palma and the worst is yet to come because between 10% and 15% more small and medium-sized businesses are likely to close in the short term,” said Salvá who also criticised Palma City Council for its "lack of empathy" with the Retail Sector.

“They’re sitting in their offices and they don't know what's going on in the street," he blasted and pointed out that Manacor City Council has made shopping vouchers available to residents to encourage local trade and predicts that “the ERTEs will become EREs in February.”

"We can't revive the economy if there is no consumption," added Fuster, who encouraged people to buy from local stores instead of online.

"We are appealing to the conscience of citizens and asking them to shop in Mallorca to boost the local economy.”