News of the day 20 February 2019
News / Latest headlines
Properties can clearly be at risk from forest fires.


Fire break requirements for properties in woodland areas

There will be an obligation to create a thirty metre wide fire break around properties.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

Caterpillar nests will now be evident in Majorca.


Aerial spraying to tackle processionary caterpillar

Processionary caterpillar "plague" conditions have existed since 2014.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

Frank Hanebuth was arrested in 2013.


Hells Angels case coming to court

The Hells Angels case was an element that led to the Palma police corruption investigation and the Cursach case.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

Fines for not diluting dog urine with water.


Increased fines under new Palma animal bylaw

Under the bylaw there will be limits on the number of pets per household.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

Holiday / Lifestyle

Letters to the editor

The "Catalonia trial"

After a week of the controversial so-called “Catalonia trial”.

Edition of 20 February 2019