Holiday | Airport

Passport control, Palma Airport in Mallorca

New complaint against British passport control service company at Palma Airport

Mitie took over services at the airport in November last year; there have been various complaints.

Andrew Ede

Jet2 has alerted passengers to possible flight disruption due heavy storms.

Jet2 issues immediate warning of storm delays in Mallorca

“We are currently experiencing some Air Traffic Control slot delays on flights that are due to arrive, depart or fly across the Eastern Mediterranean and the Balearic Islands."

Humphrey Carter

New York-Palma Mallorca flight

A record number of routes for Palma Airport

The airport director doesn't believe there should be a focus on long-haul flights.

Andrew Ede

Barcelona Airport

Palma Airport will have Europe's largest security control area

Work this winter will involve moving the current security control area and replacing it with a "traffic and commercial distribution plaza".

Andrew Ede

Drive-slow protest by minibuses at Palma Airport, Mallorca

Drive-slow protest by minibuses at Palma Airport

Fines have been issued to minibus businesses operating illegally at the airport.

Andrew Ede

The Ryanair flight finally took off this morning.

Balearics Ryanair flight nightmare

Guardia Civil were called when one of the passengers got involved in a confrontation with the crew.

Humphrey CarterS. Ribas

Palma airport is hoping to get operations back to normal as soon as possible.

Bird strike causes flight delays in Mallorca

Every year approximately 21,000 bird strikes are reported meaning 50-60 occur every day.

Humphrey Carter

Passengers queueing outside terminal one at Manchester airport.

Chaos at Manchester airport causes delays and cancellations to flights heading to Mallorca

Manchester airport is the UK's third busiest airport and the primary gateway in northern England.

MDB Digital

The flooding caused chaos at Palma airport.

Mallorca airport flooding and flight chaos blamed on construction work

Travellers ran for cover from the rain which came pouring through the roof.

Humphrey Carter

The ENAIRE report shows that international flights in May increased by 11.2%.

Palma airport smashes its record number of flights in the month of May

At Palma airport, figures increased to 40,460 flights, an 11.3% rise.

MDB Digital

New EU border controls for the British from October.

New EU border checks could turn Britons off Mallorca

New fingerprint and biometric controls to monitor your movements and control the 90-day rule.

Humphrey Carter

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