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Camp de Mar, Mallorca

Wednesday's weather in Mallorca

The forecast for Mallorca for Wednesday, the third of July.

Andrew Ede

Illetes, Mallorca

Tuesday's weather in Mallorca

The forecast for Mallorca for Tuesday, the second of July.

Andrew Ede

Gridlock in Palma as the clouds burst and the rain fell.

Meteotsunamis and storms hit Mallorca

Forecast models point to a “hot” July, according to the Aemet met agency.

Humphrey Carter

Rain in Palma, Mallorca

Monday's weather in Mallorca - Yellow alerts

The forecast for Mallorca for Monday, the first of July.

Andrew Ede

Puerto Alcudia, Mallorca

Sunday's weather in Mallorca - And July forecast to start with storms

The forecast for Mallorca for Sunday, the 30th of June.

Andrew Ede

Cala Santanyi, Mallorca

Saturday's weather in Mallorca

The forecast for Mallorca for Saturday, 29 June.

Andrew Ede

Muddy rain in Mallorca

More muddy rain for Mallorca?

The met agency reckons there may be some on Saturday.

Andrew Ede

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