News of the day 14 December 2019
News / Latest headlines
Costa Smeralda - Sensational Italy at sea


Maiden voyage of eco-friendly Costa Smeralda to dock in Palma

Costa Smeralda is the first of two new LNG-fuelled sister ships for Costa Cruises.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

One of trees at Porto Cristo


Anger over lack of Christmas lights

“I forgot about the lights of Porto Cristo because I thought that the person in charge of Comerç would be taking care of them."

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

A sunny but windy weekend ahead


Good morning from Majorca

A sunny weekend but still windy.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

Midway (2019 Movie) Trailer

What's On

Where to go and What to see

Cruise ships in port and daily markets to visit and films to see in English.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

HortellaFestVol2 - S'Arrual Jazz Mort (2/2) - 7/7/2016

What's On

Events in Majorca on Saturday / Sunday

Baroque orchestra, Ars Musicae perform in Marratxi, S'Arrual Jazz Mort perform in Palma and a whole host of Christmas events taking place across the island.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

Palma airport


Palma airport prepared for Brexit

There is to be a specific hall for baggage reclaim and a “provisional” solution for customs. All UK passengers will pass through this hall and leave through a separate exit.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

The church of Sant Jaume, Alcudia


Most beautiful villages become political

Still, the association has made its selections, and Alcudia and Pollensa are in.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

Climate change awareness for the children of Majorca


Climate change event for children in Palma

A group of artists took part in a short play with characters representing good and bad things about the planet.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

Vendela Mannberg representing Santa Lucia


Majorca marks Santa Lucia

140 students took part in the event which ended with a concert which included Swedish songs.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

Kate Mentink from the European Citizens Foundation


Election result and Brexit cause unease with British expats

It’s a tough time for business people who sell British goods here in Majorca.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

A springlike few days in Majorca.


Sunday's weather in Majorca

Very warm in parts of Majorca yesterday, and more warm temperatures for Sunday.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

News / Comment



“It does appear that at last we can all start moving forward again...”

Jason Moore

Greta Thunberg speaking at COP25 in Madrid

My Column

Stormy Times

Don’t miss the glorious Hotel Gloria Sant Jaume Christmas market in Carrer Sant Jaume in Palma on Sunday from 12-8pm. I shall be popping along to sign books and check out the stalls from 6-8pm.

Anna Nicholas

Holiday / Lifestyle
Narcisi obsoletus

Wild Majorca

Friars, buttercups and tiny little birds

It is also the time when opportunists will peck at the fresh blossom, Great Tits and Blackbirds for example.

Neville James-Davies

Edition of 14 December 2019