News of the day 10 February 2020
News / Latest headlines
Chaining dogs would be a very serious offence under new legislation.

Animal welfare

Lawyers demanding tough fines for animal mistreatment

The bar association in the Balearics is demanding fines of up to 100,000 euros.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

Son Espases hospital in Palma


Passengers sought in precautionary measure

Breaking news: Latest on the confirmed Coronavirus patient at Son Espases.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

The Coronavirus spread across the world


UK declares coronavirus a serious and imminent threat to public health

"Measures outlined in these regulations are considered as an effective means of delaying or preventing further transmission of the virus," the ministry said.


The Oscars were held in Los Angeles yesterday


Oscar winning films showing in English

7 of the films playing here in English won Oscars yesterday.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

Guardia Civil and Local Police of Andratx at the scene


Van crashes into a house near Puerto Andratx

Two people were injured when their van slammed into a house in Andratx on Sunday.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

Temperatures in Palma could reach 17º today


Good Morning from Majorca

A bright sunny day with a southwesterly breeze.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

El Molinar is one of the favourite neighborhoods for residents and tourists to walk around all year round.


Residents ask for bay of Palma protection

Proposals are being put forward to declare the stretch of Palma bay between the Palacio de Congresos and Es Carnatge a special protection zone.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

Updates are being sent via social media


Chinese Community of Majorca uses App to advise on protocol

Social media advises Chinese residents on coronavirus protocol.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

People view large waves caused by Storm Ciara as they hit the the seafront and wall in Newhaven


Storm Ciara batters Britain, hitting flights, trains and soccer

Storms across Europe cancel flights.


Tributes were paid to Spanish Civil War victims in Puigpunyent

Spanish Civil War

Tributes to Civil War victims at Puigpunyent

Spanish Civil War victims, Joan Ferrà and Cristófol Barceló buried in Puigpunyent on Sunday.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

People trying to protect themselves from the virus


Briton unknowingly spread virus to at least 6 people

He caught the virus in Singapore and travelled to France and Britain.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

The Coronavirus


Seven year old suspected with Coronavirus admitted to Son Espases Hospital

The child has tested positive for flu and further tests are being done.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

You can call 061 if you are worried


Balearics virus protocol

Health authorites will contact you if you were put at risk.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

The Satse nursing union has called for an urgent meeting of the technical commission for the prevention of workplace risks


Nursing union wanting coronavirus urgent meetings

The union is demanding that there is information about protective measures for nurses and other health personnel.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

New Volotea routes from Palma to France.


Volotea opening two new French routes from Palma

Low-cost operator Volotea increased its passenger numbers at Palma by ten per cent last year.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

Domingo Zapata's show in New York on Saturday.


Domingo Zapata fashion show in New York

Domingo Zapata's "collection" was revealed in New York.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

News / Comment


Housing crisis

“Renting a single room in places like Ibiza can cost 1,000 euros per month, according to research.”

Jason Moore


Three cheers...

Tourism grows but in December it fell by 32%.

Andrew Ede


A big boo...

Let’s trust that this continues.

Andrew Ede

Holiday / Lifestyle
BIRDS OF PREY - Official Trailer 1

What's on

What's on and films to see in English on Monday

The Fundació Studium Aureum perform Beethoven, Haydn and Schubert at the Conservatory in Palma today. There are 10 films showing in English at the cinema.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

CEO Melià International Hotels Gabriel Escarrer


Person of the week

The Helms-Burton Act was passed in 1996 but never acted upon until now.

Andrew Ede

Flowers in the garden


Gardening in Majorca

Beware of those invaise plants before they take over!

Dorothy Loeffler

Actor Kirk Douglas

My column

Kirk Douglas: a lust for life

Bulletin columnist writes about the late Kirk Douglas, Boris Johnson and Brexit.

Donald Trelford

Sport / Real Mallorca
Kubo takes a tumble.

Fan's View

Mallorca now joint bottom of La Liga

The bottom of the league is the most difficult place to try and get out of but the signs have been coming for several weeks.

Monro Bryce

Edition of 9 February 2020