Andrew Ede
Andrew Ede

Background in business publishing. Started an online blog about Mallorca in 2005, which went daily in 2007, covering culture, environment, history, politics, tourism and more. Became a regular contributor to the Bulletin in 2010 before joining the staff a few years later.

Latest headlines

Palma, the place to exhibit new cars

BMW and Mercedes are exhibiting new models in Palma.

Andrew Ede 14/10/2022 08:38

Majorca tourism

Tourism recovery, and the Spanish have assisted it

In August, and unusually, the Balearics attracted more Spanish tourists than either German or British.

Andrew Ede 13/10/2022 08:15

Latest headlines

Santa Catalina restaurateurs have had enough

Allegations of harassment by residents and the town hall plus increased rents are driving restaurateurs out.

Andrew Ede 12/10/2022 14:52

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The other side of Palma

An expanding shanty town and dreadful conditions at the old prison.

Andrew Ede 12/10/2022 09:11

Majorca tourism

Mallorcan hotel promoting itself on Broadway

Promotion as a honeymoon destination has echoes of the highly successful campaign from the 1950s.

Andrew Ede 12/10/2022 07:43

Latest headlines

Environmentalists want Mallorca lighthouse hiking route to be scrapped

The route will result in "a very significant increase in human pressure on the coast".

Andrew Ede 11/10/2022 16:46

Latest headlines

For sale for three million euros - an historic Pollensa finca

Fartàritx is a finca of high environmental and heritage value.

Andrew Ede 11/10/2022 15:44

Latest headlines

Court annuls Calvia anti-bullfighting declaration

Many town halls in Mallorca have declared themselves to be anti-bullfighting.

Andrew Ede 11/10/2022 12:57

Majorca tourism

Spanish pensioner holidays in Mallorca cut by half

Only twenty participating hotels as opposed to a previous 44.

Andrew Ede 11/10/2022 07:56

Majorca tourism

Transport in Mallorca damaged the island's reputation this summer

There were regular complaints about transport deficiencies during the summer.

Andrew Ede 11/10/2022 07:20

Latest headlines

Two arrests for skippering migrant boat

Both had previously been detained in Spain for illegal entry.

Andrew Ede 09/10/2022 15:08

Majorca tourism

Palma's mayor on tourism: "I understand the complaints, but it's what we live from"

There has been a feeling of "being saturated", but "you have to find a balance".

Andrew Ede 09/10/2022 13:06