Andrew Ede
Andrew Ede

Background in business publishing. Started an online blog about Mallorca in 2005, which went daily in 2007, covering culture, environment, history, politics, tourism and more. Became a regular contributor to the Bulletin in 2010 before joining the staff a few years later.


Tourism: Lost in transformation and translation

Hoteliers, and indeed the whole of the tourism industry, are agreed that the situation surrounding this summer’s season is highly “volatile”.

Andrew Ede 16/04/2021 14:54


The lost pride of Spanish transport

The Trasmediterránea being acquired by Italy’s Grimaldi is clearly a very different company to what it was in those early days.

Andrew Ede 16/04/2021 09:40


Curfew or no curfew?

How difficult can it be in giving a definitive statement of the situation? Very difficult, it would seem.

Andrew Ede 15/04/2021 13:49


The destruction of Mallorca

The Talaiotic Culture is a vital part of Mallorca’s heritage, the clearest evidence of old civilisation.

Andrew Ede 15/04/2021 12:58


This is the sound of the tourist

It was a Sunday morning around ten o’clock last year and the sound of silence was deafening for a resort in Mallorca.

Andrew Ede 14/04/2021 12:33


The obsession with “the data”

How often have we heard politicians say that they will be guided by science, by scientists and by data?

Andrew Ede 13/04/2021 09:42


Ninety years ago: The Republic in Mallorca

The authorities, those about to be removed, didn't really know how to react or what to do.

Andrew Ede 13/04/2021 06:26

Latest headlines

Pollensa’s new health centre - ready by the end of 2023

The ministry has assured him that the new health centre will be ready by the end of 2023.

Andrew Ede 10/04/2021 12:05

Latest headlines

Antoni Ques, executed in 1937, proposed as a favourite son of Alcudia

The Obra Cultural Balear has registered a proposal with Alcudia town hall to initiate the process for declaring Antoni Ques a favourite son of the city.

Andrew Ede 10/04/2021 11:48

Latest headlines

No SOS Turismo at Alcudia town hall

There never seems to be a clear idea about who is responsible for what; not in the minds of residents at any rate.

Andrew Ede 10/04/2021 11:36

Latest headlines

Cleaning up Puerto Pollensa ... on it goes

Mayor Cifre’s administration is now “committed” to presenting a plan for wastewater within a year and a half.

Andrew Ede 10/04/2021 11:23


The essential Tramuntana

A tourist alternative to sun and beach was wanted, and once there were alternative tourists, there were too many of them.

Andrew Ede 08/04/2021 09:38


The irreconcilable images

The Italian government has now announced that it intends to expel large cruise ships from the lagoon.

Andrew Ede 07/04/2021 09:59


Playing catch-up

"he perhaps underestimated how much catching-up needs to be done"

Andrew Ede 06/04/2021 13:19


What can go wrong will go wrong

"We have all become used, rather too used I would suggest, to Covid-recovery forecasts."

Andrew Ede 06/04/2021 11:11


Vandals, Visigoths and Vikings: Mallorca’s uncertain history

As history goes in Mallorca, there is hardly anything, prior to the conquest of Jaume I in 1229, to which specific dates can be attached.

Andrew Ede 06/04/2021 10:42


Losing the people

Full power to the people for their responsibility.

Andrew Ede 03/04/2021 09:44

Latest headlines

Spanish sailing cup in Puerto Pollensa

Covid restrictions set a maximum number of registrations for the cup.

Andrew Ede 03/04/2021 04:29

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Albufera recovering after the devastating fire

In late September last year, the fire in Albufera affected 480 hectares.

Andrew Ede 03/04/2021 04:19