Andrew Ede
Andrew Ede

Background in business publishing. Started an online blog about Mallorca in 2005, which went daily in 2007, covering culture, environment, history, politics, tourism and more. Became a regular contributor to the Bulletin in 2010 before joining the staff a few years later.

Tourist tax

Government wants to charge tourist tax at airports and ports

The government explains that the option of charging at points of entry would create a more equitable system.

Andrew Ede 18/08/2015 00:00


56,000 euros to play at Rafa Nadal tennis academy

The Rafa Nadal Academy will open for the 2016-2017 school year.

Andrew Ede 18/08/2015 00:00


The week in tourism

Might this August mark a watershed in Majorcan and Balearic tourism?

Andrew Ede 15/08/2015 00:00

Balearic employment

Significant decline in Balearic unemployment

Current unemployed register is relatively even between men and women.

Andrew Ede 04/08/2015 00:00

Winter flights

Government plans greater competition for Majorca's winter flights

Aim to turn around situation as exists at present, namely that from late October to late March, when airlines’ winter schedules are in operation.

Andrew Ede 03/08/2015 00:00

Latest headlines

Good Morning, Friends

This was the headline of the first ever issue of the Majorca Daily Bulletin on 31 December 1962. After all these years, we've hauled that headline out to announce today's launch of the new, improved Bulletin website. Through August we'll be testing the system and adding to it. In the jargon, this is a "beta" version. By September, we'll be alpha, so to speak, and all systems go. Meantime, we would like to invite you to mark the auspicious occasion of the new Bulletin era by sharing with us your selfie with the new website on your computer screen. Please send it to us at Thank you and, once again, good morning, friends.

Andrew Ede 30/07/2015 00:00