Andrew Ede
Andrew Ede

Background in business publishing. Started an online blog about Mallorca in 2005, which went daily in 2007, covering culture, environment, history, politics, tourism and more. Became a regular contributor to the Bulletin in 2010 before joining the staff a few years later.


The essential Tramuntana

A tourist alternative to sun and beach was wanted, and once there were alternative tourists, there were too many of them.

Andrew Ede 08/04/2021 09:38


The irreconcilable images

The Italian government has now announced that it intends to expel large cruise ships from the lagoon.

Andrew Ede 07/04/2021 09:59


Playing catch-up

"he perhaps underestimated how much catching-up needs to be done"

Andrew Ede 06/04/2021 13:19


What can go wrong will go wrong

"We have all become used, rather too used I would suggest, to Covid-recovery forecasts."

Andrew Ede 06/04/2021 11:11


Vandals, Visigoths and Vikings: Mallorca’s uncertain history

As history goes in Mallorca, there is hardly anything, prior to the conquest of Jaume I in 1229, to which specific dates can be attached.

Andrew Ede 06/04/2021 10:42


Losing the people

Full power to the people for their responsibility.

Andrew Ede 03/04/2021 09:44

Latest headlines

Spanish sailing cup in Puerto Pollensa

Covid restrictions set a maximum number of registrations for the cup.

Andrew Ede 03/04/2021 04:29

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Albufera recovering after the devastating fire

In late September last year, the fire in Albufera affected 480 hectares.

Andrew Ede 03/04/2021 04:19

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Pollensa town hall goes to Minorca

On Wednesday, Pollensa’s mayor Tomeu Cifre plus various others from the town hall headed off to Ciutadella.

Andrew Ede 03/04/2021 04:12

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Muro unanimous in seeking to save Ses Casetes des Capellans

The proposal by the parties at the town hall is that there be a straight line twenty metres from the sea to mark the public-maritime domain.

Andrew Ede 03/04/2021 04:04

Latest headlines

Alcudia’s circus festival returns at the end of April

The acts are highly original, and they often combine theatre and dance with clowns and circus routines of a traditional style.

Andrew Ede 03/04/2021 03:57

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Feminising Pollensa’s street names

A commission of historians, politicians and technical advisors is to be set up in order to propose changes to the names of streets.

Andrew Ede 03/04/2021 03:51


Useless, pitiful: the masks on beaches debacle

The health minister, Carolina Darias, said that “a long time had passed” since the processing of the new normality law had begun last summer.

Andrew Ede 03/04/2021 03:12


A horse is a horse, of course of course

The Horse Roundabout is so distinctive, such a landmark that it has made it into maps.

Andrew Ede 30/03/2021 10:49


Mid-Covid and responsible tourism

For Tui, the imperative to restart operations as quickly and as early as possible has been as great as it is for any other business.

Andrew Ede 30/03/2021 09:56

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Sports tourism for all in Alcudia

The aim is nevertheless to boost local tourism through sports programmes in the off-season.

Andrew Ede 27/03/2021 14:53

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SOS Tourism on wheels in Pollensa and Alcudia

Thirty cyclists pressing the claim for vaccination and proactivity to rescue not just cycling and sport but the entire tourism sector.

Andrew Ede 27/03/2021 04:42

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The inadequate shower of Pollensa

This shower and changing room formed part of the case that was brought against Emser for wrongful dismissal on account of sex discrimination.

Andrew Ede 27/03/2021 04:32

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Joan March would have ensured everyone was vaccinated

March, often referred to as Franco’s banker, is an illustrious son of Santa Margalida.

Andrew Ede 27/03/2021 04:24