The Puerto Pollensa beach playgrounds can stay
The town hall now says that specifications for the playgrounds’ concession this year are being drafted.
Pollensa reluctantly accepts eliminating Ternelles right of way
The Supreme Court in Madrid finally ruled in favour of access to the coast, but ...
The mayor celebrates Pollensa’s new health centre
The government has been keen to make them as part of the Balearic economic recovery plan.
Alcudia hotels opening - but for whom?
There is even some renewed hope about Easter, and it is being expressed in Germany as well as domestically.
Vaccine passports?: It’s about managing risk
The principle of safe travel risk in a Covid environment hasn’t changed since last summer.
Welcome, Mister Marshall
the Balearic view is that Madrid does have a tendency to skimp somewhat when it comes to generosity for the islands.
Direct aid for business is no longer optional; it is essential
Where Spain is concerned, the harm was appreciated way back during the first weeks of the crisis last spring.
The Circular Argument of Tourism
Covid - post-Covid is proving to be fertile territory for envisioning a brave new world in which pre-Covid is cast aside.
The mystery of the Portuguese attack of 1415
On February 23, 1415, Guillem de Santjoan got wind of an attack, and on the following day reinforcements arrived...
At 18.23 on 23-F
Lieutenant-Colonel Antonio Tejero burst into Congress at the head of 200 Guardia Civil officers.
The keys to the new school in Puerto Alcudia
The town hall has paid for the building. In order to ensure that the work was carried out as soon as possible.
The strange case of the Alcudia cemetery thefts
Relatives informed the police that flowers they had laid at graves had gone and that in some instances the flowers had been ripped up.
Extending the Playa de Muro boulevard
This is the second phase of a much-heralded project that began between 2017 and 2018.
Council grant for Pollensa artisans’ shop
The grant was in order to adapt the shop, purchase fittings and facilitate online promotion.
Pollensa: pouring sand on troubled waters
The association will not be being invited back to meetings to discuss what has been a persistent issue - that of water discharges.
The dates of tourism spring, and vaccination in the slow lane
Compared with other main tourism regions, the Balearics are well behind in terms both of the number of doses delivered and the number administered.
The man who composed Spain and Mallorca
Last week, Chick Corea passed away and with his passing came the recollections of how he had helped to give momentum to jazz in Mallorca.
Protesting in favour of the playgrounds
The protest was made and it was against the threat of the beach playgrounds and picnic area in Puerto Pollensa being removed.
Trees come down in Puerto Alcudia
New trees will be planted at some point in the future, but some residents are in the meantime indignant.
The vaccination row: surely there has to be resignation
There was a transparency failure and one that was evident from the fact that Francisca Cerdà didn’t tell the truth.