Andrew Ede
Andrew Ede

Background in business publishing. Started an online blog about Mallorca in 2005, which went daily in 2007, covering culture, environment, history, politics, tourism and more. Became a regular contributor to the Bulletin in 2010 before joining the staff a few years later.

Latest headlines

Food poisoning investigation at Arenal hotel

A doctor thinks it's more likely to be a stomach virus.

Andrew Ede 07/02/2024 08:11

Latest headlines

Mallorca's ITV (MOT) stations need more workers

Some 400,000 vehicle inspections were carried out in 2023.

Andrew Ede 05/02/2024 09:03

Latest news

Monday's weather in Mallorca

The forecast for Mallorca for Monday, the fifth of February.

Andrew Ede 04/02/2024 19:04

Latest news

'Winter' is returning to Mallorca

The anticyclone will give way to an Atlantic front that is expected to bring heavy rain.

Andrew Ede 04/02/2024 11:42

Latest headlines

"The vast majority" of illegal immigrants who stay in Mallorca are committing crimes

The chief inspector for immigration: "It is currently absolutely impossible to expel an Algerian from the country."

Andrew Ede 04/02/2024 08:02

Latest news

Sunday's weather in Mallorca

The forecast for Mallorca for Sunday, the fourth of February.

Andrew Ede 03/02/2024 18:57

Latest headlines

More illegal basement units being rented out as accommodation in Palma

A neighbour has denounced these illegal conversions to the town hall.

Andrew Ede 03/02/2024 10:04

Latest news

Saturday's weather in Mallorca

The forecast for Mallorca for Saturday, the third of February.

Andrew Ede 02/02/2024 18:39


Vox: Any grown-ups left in the building?

The party has been brought into disrepute as has parliament.

Andrew Ede 02/02/2024 11:36

Majorca tourism

Balearics annual tourist record shattered by 1.3 million

An astonishing increase that will only add to the debate about overtourism.

Andrew Ede 02/02/2024 11:07

Latest headlines

Arrests of robbers who stole from Olympic gold medallist

The family home of Marcus Cooper Walz was one among a number where robberies were committed.

Andrew Ede 02/02/2024 09:23

Latest headlines

Eight years for ex-German soldier who started fires in Mallorca

Marcel S. started three fires in Esporles in the summer of 2019.

Andrew Ede 01/02/2024 19:03

Latest news

Friday's weather in Mallorca

The forecast for Mallorca for Friday, the second of February.

Andrew Ede 01/02/2024 17:51

Latest headlines

Obligation for face masks in Mallorca's health centres to end

The incidence of acute respiratory infection has fallen for two consecutive weeks.

Andrew Ede 01/02/2024 15:07