Andrew Ede
Andrew Ede

Background in business publishing. Started an online blog about Mallorca in 2005, which went daily in 2007, covering culture, environment, history, politics, tourism and more. Became a regular contributor to the Bulletin in 2010 before joining the staff a few years later.

Majorca tourism

Balearic holiday rental rules exceed regional powers

Regional legislation hasn't been challenged by the Spanish government, but it could be.

Andrew Ede 19/12/2023 07:53

Latest news

Tuesday's weather in Mallorca

Forecast for Christmas Eve at present - sunny with a high of 19C.

Andrew Ede 18/12/2023 18:19

Majorca tourism

The enormity of Mallorca's tourism growth

A record tourism year is one thing; the massive increase in tourist numbers is another.

Andrew Ede 17/12/2023 17:51

Latest news

Monday's weather in Mallorca

The forecast for Mallorca for Monday, December 18.

Andrew Ede 17/12/2023 16:49

Real Mallorca

Mallorca goalless against the bottom club

Mallorca were the better side, but then Almeria haven't won a match all season.

Andrew Ede 17/12/2023 14:38

Latest headlines

Lack of rain a huge concern for Mallorca's farmers

There wasn't nearly as much rain as usual in October or November.

Andrew Ede 17/12/2023 09:32

Latest headlines

Tenants of arrested Palma police officer refusing to pay the rent

The officer is at liberty on charges which include fraud and facilitating illegal immigration.

Andrew Ede 17/12/2023 08:14

Latest news

Sunday's weather in Mallorca

The forecast for Mallorca for Sunday, 17 December.

Andrew Ede 16/12/2023 15:49

Latest headlines

Alcudia has the most drink driving offences in Mallorca

Over the Christmas period, police controls to check on driving under the influence of alcohol and drugs are stepped up.

Andrew Ede 16/12/2023 08:44

Latest headlines

The squatters of a guest house in Mallorca who have terrorised the owners

A Spanish couple were offered accommodation in exchange for work. After two months, they stopped working and had no intention of leaving.

Andrew Ede 16/12/2023 07:38


Mallorca events: What's On from Monday to Thursday

Celebrate Mallorca's festive week with events like Festa de l'Esperança, Christmas concerts in Palma, Inca's vibrant market, and the exciting Real Mallorca vs. Osasuna match at Son Moix Stadium.

Andrew Ede 16/12/2023 06:00

Latest news

Saturday's weather in Mallorca

The forecast for Mallorca for Saturday, 16 December.

Andrew Ede 15/12/2023 19:21

Latest headlines

Arrests in Mallorca linked to massive drugs seizure on the mainland

An operation was set up after a truck was intercepted in Palma in August.

Andrew Ede 15/12/2023 09:45

Latest news

Friday's weather in Mallorca

The forecast for Mallorca for Friday, December 15.

Andrew Ede 14/12/2023 18:17

Latest headlines

Demand that Palma beach restaurant is demolished

The order for the demolition of El Bungalow was given in July 2022.

Andrew Ede 14/12/2023 17:36


Mallorca events: What's On from Friday to Sunday

Weekend Wonderland: Festive markets, concerts, and celebrations and more....

Andrew Ede 14/12/2023 14:53