Anna Nicholas
Anna Nicholas

All of the Mallorca based crime novels & travel books by Anna Nicholas, are available from Come In, La Savina & Llibres Colom in Palma, Alameda gift shop in Soller, Atelier in Fornalutx & also at all good UK bookshops & via amazon.


Anna Nicholas: My column

Anna Nicholas’s views on Badger culls & Poor old BoJo!

Anna Nicholas 31/05/2021 10:42


Anna Nicholas: My column

Anna Nicholas’s views on the new Indian variant and daring to opine during a seminar.

Anna Nicholas 24/05/2021 11:16


Anna Nicholas: My column

Anna Nicholas’s views on being muted by a new ‘woke’ belief system and how Brexit affects British businesses operating in the EU.

Anna Nicholas 16/05/2021 12:59


Anna Nicholas: My column

Anna Nicholas’s views on some of the stories of the week.

Anna Nicholas 09/05/2021 12:17


Anna Nicholas: My column

Anna Nicholas' thoughts on Boris Johnson's rum week and an everyday hero.

Anna Nicholas 02/05/2021 09:32


Anna Nicholas: My column

Anna Nicholas' views on the absurd caterpillar chocolate debacle and big Hollywood names unrecognisable without make-up.

Anna Nicholas 25/04/2021 12:28


Anna Nicholas: My column

Anna Nicholas’s views on COVID-19 restrictions in the Uk and the most lucrative job anyone could have.

Anna Nicholas 18/04/2021 13:10


Anna Nicholas: My Column

Anna Nicholas’s views on some of the stories of the week.

Anna Nicholas 10/04/2021 13:53


Anna Nicholas: My Column

What might seem unacceptable to the British government now, might prove the tip of the iceberg in the coming months.

Anna Nicholas 05/04/2021 11:12


Anna Nicholas: My Column

Anna Nicholas’s views on the cunning plan to introduce a pub passport and Free speech in schools.

Anna Nicholas 28/03/2021 08:54


Anna Nicholas: My Column

"The whole interview involved wokedom catch phrases such as ‘my truth’ which American audiences would have lapped up"

Anna Nicholas 12/03/2021 15:10


Anna Nicholas: My Column

Anna Nicholas’s views on some of the stories of the week.

Anna Nicholas 06/03/2021 12:33


Anna Nicholas: My Column

Anna Nicholas, about the uncomfortable truth of the COVID-19 narrative and the cancel culture.

Anna Nicholas 27/02/2021 09:25


Anna Nicholas: My Column

Anna Nicholas' views on vaccine passports and COVID vaccinations.

Anna Nicholas 20/02/2021 10:40


Anna Nicholas: My Column

Anna Nicholas' views on some of the week's good news.

Anna Nicholas 13/02/2021 10:47


Anna Nicholas: My Column

Anna Nicholas’s views on some of the stories of the week.

Anna Nicholas 06/02/2021 12:11


Anna Nicholas: My Column

Anna Nicholas’s views on aesthetic treatments and the Guinness World Book of Records.

Anna Nicholas 30/01/2021 13:54


Anna Nicholas: My Column

Anna Nicholas’s views on some of the stories of the week.

Anna Nicholas 12/12/2020 15:43


At last there is hope!

But honestly, is any of this feasible? Are governments really that bright? Columnist and writer Anna Nicholas thinks it’s very doubtful.

Anna Nicholas 13/11/2020 14:24

Anna Nicholas

Anna Nicholas: My Column

"Universities are now in a dog eat dog fight to the finish"

Anna NicholasSoller 07/11/2020 12:43