Shirley Roberts
Shirley Roberts

'Soller Shirley' Facebook page started fifteen years ago. The daily ramblings on events and life in the Soller Valley continues to this day. ‘Spotlight on Soller’ is a weekly page in the Mallorca Bulletin and has been for over 10 years. I Immersed myself in the Soller world I left London for. Every day I learn something new and tell the tale. I was part of three generational move to the Soller Valley and have had the joy of watching my grandchildren grow on this wonderful island. A previous life in journalism for the Times Newspaper, General Manager of a London Hotel and the creator of a start-up company, in North London (eventually sold to a PLC) sums up my life. I am now back where I started, writing stories every day and looking after, Humans of Mallorca and Nan’s Day’s Out. I just love to tell a tale…


The questions and answers of the new ‘Humans of Majorca’

Do you want to move to Soller? These are the most asked questions from the latest Solleric incomers.

Shirley Roberts 14/10/2021 11:39


Life is but a filmset in the Soller Valley

What is life like in the Soller Valley in autumn?

Shirley Roberts 12/10/2021 10:41


Humans of Mallorca: Meet Bill and Eleanor

Love brought Rev Bill and Eleanor to Puerto Pollensa.

Shirley Roberts 07/10/2021 09:30


Spotlight on Soller: A return to the cobbles

The Gran Via in Soller is on course for a completely new look.

Shirley Roberts 06/10/2021 10:00


The Bishop came to Palma on Sunday

Did you know their are two Anglican churches conducted in English on the island?

Shirley Roberts 05/10/2021 11:36


A tale of two Humans of Majorca: David Hare and Neven Maguire

Meet two Humans of Mallorca who bring the wonders of Mallorca to a worldwide audience.

Shirley Roberts 30/09/2021 12:36


Spotlight on Soller: Welcome to the money zone…

"Meanwhile as everyone cranks up a gear to spend money the summer just goes on."

Shirley Roberts 28/09/2021 10:35


Katie, a ‘Human of Mallorca’ gives us her art…

Find out about Katie McCann's relationship with Mallorca

Shirley Roberts 23/09/2021 11:05


Spotlight on Soller: ‘Tell me the story from the beginning please’

Have you ever wondered why people come to live in the Soller valley?

Shirley Roberts 21/09/2021 12:17


Nan’s Day Out to the Agricole of Sant Bartholomew

Find out why this place is perfect for autumn and winter tourism.

Shirley Roberts 16/09/2021 11:48


Spotlight on Soller: The cracks are beginning to appear

"Such a waste of good decision making time when there are many social issues to be taken care of in Soller"

Shirley Roberts 14/09/2021 10:50


Humans of Mallorca – Moving on

This is what we are seeing, right here and right now.

Shirley Roberts 09/09/2021 11:04


Spotlight on Soller: All eyes are up the mountain and out to sea

This is the beginning of leaving the mid-summer season behind and moving on to the next phase of the year.

Shirley Roberts 31/08/2021 11:23


Spotlight on Soller: the news and the views

"The ‘mid-price range’ seekers of Soller property are all looking for the same thing...."

Shirley Roberts 24/08/2021 12:24


Humans of Mallorca: Work, Eat, Live

What does it mean to be a resident of Mallorca in the true sense of the word?

Shirley Roberts 19/08/2021 11:02


Spotlight on Soller: St Bartholomew isn’t so busy this year

Local headlines congratulate the Soller Valley on being so busy but... is it true?

Shirley Roberts 17/08/2021 10:48


Will you help The Anglican Church in Palma to get connected?

We are so happy to welcome everyone back to our building to begin the ‘new normal’.

Shirley Roberts 14/08/2021 13:17