Im Rahmen des Evolution Film Festivals werden vier Filme im "Autokino"in Port Adriano gezeigt. Am 24. Oktober stehen "Persépolis" (20Uhr) und "Jurassic Park" (22 Uhr) auf dem Programm, am 25. Oktober"Trolls" (19 Uhr) und (21 Uhr) "Notting Hill". Die Filme werdenin Originalversion mit spanischen Untertiteln zu sehen sein.Eintritt 10 Euro pro Auto. Karten: portadria


Experience the magic of cinema from the comfort of your own car!

As part of the “Evolution Mallorca International Film Festival in October Port Adriano will host a special drive-in cinema event, featuring four film screenings. Simply drive in, tune your radio, and enjoy a unique movie experience.

The screenings will take place in the central square of Port Adriano, with space for 50 cars. Please note, vehicles over 1.5 meters in height are not permitted, and two people per car are reccomended for optimal viewing. However, up to four people can attend per vehicle.

Tickets are 10€ per car, and the film lineup will be announced soon. Watch this space and don’t miss this exciting cinematic experience!

Useful information
Dates and location:
  1. From to at Port Adriano
How to get there:



10€ per car