Running in underwear during the Sant Mateu fiestas. | T. AYUGA


Bunyola’s underwear race can lay claim to being one of the daftest of the annual fiesta events.

The race, as such, is irrelevant; it is the dressing that matters, or rather the undressing. Over the years, this event - a highlight of the village’s Sant Mateu Fiestas - has spawned underwear costumes worn by teams, so merely turning out in some Primark underwear, while perfectly acceptable, may not quite cut it.

Bunyola’s former mayor in the past got into the spirit of things, courtesy of a local woman who made him some special pants for the event. There’s now a new mayor. Is it his duty to take part? It’s probably not part of the job description, but you never know. Utterly bonkers.

Useful information
Dates and location:
  1. 14/09/2024 at at Plaça Andreu Estarellas - Bunyola Finalizado

5pm: Gathering for race / 7pm: The race