The town enters history. The Mercat Medieval (Mediaeval Market) has registered a high level of participation throughout the weekend with an attractive offer. | ASSUMPTA BASSA


It was not alone among Mallorcan municipalities in having been declared a “vila” by King Jaume II at the turn of the fourteenth century, but Capdepera makes the most of this mediaeval connection by holding an annual Mediaeval Market.

First held in 2000, and so 700 hundred years after becoming a vila, the market was established as a major and hugely popular event on the annual calendar. Whereas others have dabbled with mediaeval markets, Capdepera really does push the longboat out. From the time it gets under way, the village will create an atmosphere of several centuries before.

The whole weekend features weird and wonderful mediaeval characters with numerous processions and more. The Saturday is the main day in that events, including non-mediaeval concerts. For visitors in Capdepera’s coastal resorts, special transport is laid on to and from Capdepera village.

Useful information
Dates and location:
  1. From to at Capdepera Castle Finalizado

From 10am 


The castle and other locations