The Equestrian show at Palmanyola's fair. | J. MONTAÑEZ


Palmanyola is Mallorca's one and only "minor local entity", meaning that there is an administrative function similar to a town hall.

There is a certain autonomy for managing services independent of Bunyola, of which Palmanyola is a part. It was declared a minor local entity in 1985, and in some respects it can appear to be like any town hall in Mallorca. There is a website, for example, which has the same design as that for several town halls on the island. And Palmanyola has its own fair - two to be exact, as the Fira Bona, good fair, coincides with the Fira del Cavall, the horse fair.

There will be equestrian shows, artisan fair and gastronomy this weekend. And there will also be, on Saturday night, a demons' correfoc.

Useful information
Dates and location:
  1. From to at Avenida Dàlies in Palmanyola Finalizado

Saturday, March 11 from 4pm and on Sunday, March 12 from 10am.