The Artmadams Hotel will be hosting the event.


The Art Society Mallorca will hold six talks with a drinks and tapas reception afterwards, between October 2023 and June 2024 at The Artmadams Hotel in Palma. 

The first talk will be on Tuesday, October 10 with speaker Val Woodgate on “The mysterious world of Salvador Dalí”. Dalí “.....the difference between a madman and me is that I am not mad.” 

The second talk will be on Tuesday, November 7 with speaker Sarah Lenton. "Everything you need to know about The Royal Ballet in 60 minutes

Ballet must be the most accessible art form there is, but it has its baffling side. Set in the context of the Royal Ballet’s history and performing tradition this talk is based on years of articles and events shared with dancers, choreographers and ballet masters.

The third talk will be on Tuesday, February 13 with speak Steven Barrett "Cubism explained". Due to a last minute cancellation we have a change of speaker. This means that Cubism will not be explained after all, to be replaced by a Talk on ‘The History of Cartoons’.

Award winning cartoonist Harry Venning has saved the day, flying in from Gatwick to deliver his Talk,  Easyjet, if not Thunderbird 1. International Rescue at its finest! 

The fourth talk will be on Tuesday, March 12 with speaker Lucy Hughes Hallett "Cleopatra - images of a dream woman

Cleopatra, the woman for whose love’s sake Antony is imagined to have given up the chance to rule the Roman world, has been inspiring painters, poets and (more recently) film-makers for over two millennia. This talk will show how Cleopatra became a screen onto which artists have projected their wildly differing fantasies about exotic danger and erotic bliss.

The fifth talk will be on Tuesday, May 14 with speaker Bertie Pearce "Now you see it, now you don't. The Art of visual deception"

This is one of the quirkiest lectures you will ever hear. There is a universal delight in being deceived and in this lecture Bertie Pearce takes his audience on a whistle stop tour of art which fools, surprises and amuses the viewer. Hold on to your seats and get ready to be visually fried.

The sixth talk will be on Tuesday, June 11 with speaker Lydia Bauman "Painting the modern garden from MOnet to Matisse"

We explore the ways in which the theme of the garden inspired so much of the most beautiful and innovative art of the late 19th and early 20th century. The talk will trace not only the appearance of the garden as a modern phenomenon but the development of new art movements which adopted it as a subject.

Useful information
Dates and location:
  1. From 10/10/2023 to 11/06/2024 at The Artmadams Hotel Palma Finalizado

All talks begin at 7.30pm 


Guests (non members) are very welcome to the talks for €20, payable on the door.