DaBraccio Quartet will perform at Can Vivot this Saturday. | R.C.


The DaBraccio Quartet was formed in Palma in 2020 and two years later won first prize in the ensemble category for the King’s Peak Music Competition, the global online competition designed to assist young musicians in furthering their careers.

Students from the Conservatory in Palma, they featured in last year’s Fira B, now established as one of Mallorca’s most important festivals for music of various genres. Comprising Scott Anderson and Albert Grimalt (violins), Jordi Romero (viola) and Joan Fiol (cello), the quartet has already branched out in having recorded music for a British short film, ‘Low Punches’.

For their latest recital, they will be performing works by Beethoven, among others. Da braccio, incidentally, comes from a term that was used for instruments in the violin family during the baroque period. In Monteverdi’s ‘Orfeo’ (1609), a six-part string section was designated - ‘viole da brazzo’.

Useful information
Dates and location:
  1. 14/09/2024 at at Palau Can Vivot Finalizado



5-45 euros at ticketib.com