La Gran Orquestra Republicana. | R.C.


At the end of the 1980s, a rockabilly trio by the name of Black Cats was founded.

La Gran Orquesta Republicana are a mix of ska, punk and rock who were formed in 1997. Sweet Poo Smell are essentially a female duo who have been around since 2009 and are influenced by bubblegum, country folk and rock.

These are three of the bands who will be performing on the first day of a two-day festival under the title of Gimme Indie Rock. They have in common that they are Mallorcan, other bands appearing over the two days including Dinamo and The Cicely Satellites and demonstrating how diverse and vibrant the local indie music scene is as well as how well established it is. Here’s a real chance to get familiar with this, as the festival is free.

Useful information
Dates and location:
  1. 14/04/2023 at at Ses Voltes - Passeig Dalt Murada Finalizado

5.30pm - 12.30am


Ses Voltes, Passeig Dalt Murada in Palma