The Mallorcan music band Xanguito. | Archives


The fiesta ‘verbena’ is the same as the fiesta ‘revetlla’.

One is Castellano, the other is Catalan, and the origin of the words is Latin to guard, which subsequently also came to mean to be awake. As the verbena is usually a night event, being awake is clearly apt. It truly started to feature in the 1950s, when municipalities competed with each other to see who could put on the best party.

So broadly is the word now used that it has spawned La Gran Verbena, a free music event that pops up in different parts of the island and not just in summer. The latest one marks a return to Alcudia - the centre of Alcudia, as in the area opposite the church normally used for parking. Leading Mallorcan bands such as Xanguito and Enrockats will be among the numerous acts featuring.

Useful information
Dates and location:
  1. 05/07/2024 at at Avda. Princeps d’Espanya - Alcudia Finalizado

7pm to 4am