Alexandra Lowe will be accompanied by pianist Francesc Blanco. | Alexandra Lowe


Alexandra Lowe was born in Mallorca and spent her formative years on the island before gaining a scholarship at the Junior Royal College of Music in Manchester, which was where she completed her A levels.

Following opera courses at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama and London’s National Opera Studio, she won second prize at the Glyndebourne Opera Cup in 2020.
Shortlisted for this year’s BBC Music Magazine Newcomer Award, her first major concert in Spain is in Mallorca. As she explained to the Bulletin recently, it will be a “homecoming”, “very emotional” and “very special”.

Accompanied by pianist Francesc Blanco, the programme of “grand arias of opera” will include works by Bizet, Handel, Mozart, Puccini and others.

Useful information
Dates and location:
  1. 18/05/2024 at at Teatre Principal Inca Finalizado



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