
Running and having fun for a charitable cause.

This is the raison d'être of the Milla Verde-Ultima Hora, a popular race that will be held over 1.6 km along Palma's Passeig Marítim on the afternoon of the 8th of June. This race will support a social project of great importance, as well as giving greater visibility to people with cerebral palsy and their vital needs.

The 2024 edition of the Binter NightRun Palma - Última Hora will have as a great novelty a circuit that will run through the old part of the city, highlighting its most charismatic streets and corners.

Circuit for the event. 

An inclusive race

This totally inclusive race will also be held on SaturdayJune 8, in conjunction with the Binter NightRun Mallorca - Ultima Hora 2024, and it is essential to remember that the Milla Verde-Ultima Hora is an inclusive race because everyone is welcome. It is open to all interested people, regardless of their age and fitness level, because everyone is invited to do their bit: runners, walkers, solo athletes, couples, entire families... The circuit is 100% walkable and adapted to everyone's circumstances. The cause deserves it, no doubt, and Binter wants to see thousands of smiles at the starting line and also when crossing the finish line.

Promoting a social project

Registration for the Milla Verde-Última Hora has a minimum cost of 5 euros and 100% of the proceeds will go to the Asociación de Atención a la Parálisis Cerebral (Aspace), a foundation that focuses its efforts on the comprehensive care of people with cerebral palsy, or related disabilities, and their families, in the different stages of their lives, to promote their personal development and improve their quality of life. This is a wonderful opportunity to help others in a healthy way, through sport and in one of the most beautiful cities, Palma.

Useful information
Dates and location:
  1. 08/06/2024 at at Passeig del Born Finalizado

8pm Milla Verde (1,6km), 8.45pm (5km) & 9.30pm (10km)
