Save the date for this charity walk this month. | MDB Digital
In January we learned from ASDICA (who help the mentally and physically disabled of Calvia) that they had a shortfall in their budget for 2025, meaning cuts in some of the amazing work they do.
So a group of us who have helped ASDICA over the years decided to create an informal group of volunteers “AMIGOS DE ASDICA”, and organise a fun Sunday Walk, as has been done for over 30 years.
Date:Sunday 30th March
Place: Sa Vinya, Es Capdella
Thanks to Nacho and the Town Hall of Calvia
Every single Euro received for sponsorship and/or registration goes straight to Asdica.
Thanks for the organization to Nicky of “Ticket”
- 8k through the beautiful countryside to the North of the village
- 1.5/2k for the more mature of us, and of course Asdica youngsters with their carers and families.
Through Asdica, the Red Cross in Palma are supplying some special wheelchairs.
Thanks to John Ballard and Ollie Neilson for the planning and leading the walk on the day.
- BBQ by Keith and Carlos
- Buffet by Asdica parents and our volunteer group
- Water for all walkers from “Nice Price”
- The wonderful Izzy ….. of course.
- It is going to be a really wonderful day of fun and friendship.
- And all for an amazing Charity ASDICA
PLEASE JOIN US. Save the Date. Details of how to register NEXT WEEK
Dates and location:
- 30/03/2025 at at Sa Vinya - Es Capdella
How to get there:
Check in from 10am for 11am
Adults: 20€ and children: 10€