Etiqueta 'Balearics coronavirus cases'
Testing in Ibiza

Testing in Ibiza

Another 460 new positive cases in the Balearics.

Marcelo Sastre 29/12/2020

Intensive care in Mallorca

Intensive care in Mallorca

A notable rise in the number of patients in ICU.

Teresa Ayuga 28/12/2020

Testing in Mallorca

Testing in Mallorca

A lower number of tests because of the holiday.

Elena Ballestero 26/12/2020

Mallorca Christmas, people wearing masks

Mallorca Christmas, people wearing masks

Further measures are expected on Monday.

MDB 25/12/2020

Health personnel in Mallorca

Health personnel in Mallorca

Thirty-three more patients have been discharged from hospital.

Miquel À. Cañellas 24/12/2020

Health personnel in Mallorca

Health personnel in Mallorca

Hospital admissions in Mallorca have risen again.

Miquel À. Cañellas 22/12/2020

Testing in Mallorca

Testing in Mallorca

Almost 3,000 fewer tests in Monday's report.

MDB 21/12/2020

Health personnel in Mallorca

Health personnel in Mallorca

Rising hospital admissions but not to ICU.

Miquel À. Cañellas 20/12/2020

Intensive care, Son Llàtzer Hospital, Mallorca.

Intensive care, Son Llàtzer Hospital, Mallorca.

The number of patients in ICUs is falling slightly.

Miquel À. Cañellas 19/12/2020