Etiqueta 'Bars and restaurants'
Bar terrace in Palma, Mallorca

Bar terrace in Palma, Mallorca

Businesses in Mallorca have been crying out for direct aid.

Pilar Pellicer 31/03/2021

Protest against bar and restaurant closure in Mallorca

Protest against bar and restaurant closure in Mallorca

Around twenty people demonstrated.

Jaume Morey 29/03/2021

Closed bar in Mallorca

Closed bar in Mallorca

The pandemic and restrictions have taken their toll.

Jaume Morey 28/03/2021

Bar terrace in Mallorca

Bar terrace in Mallorca

Negotiations will be needed regarding the pay increase.

Maria Nadal 24/03/2021

State aid for Mallorca's hospitality sector

State aid for Mallorca's hospitality sector

Meeting on Wednesday of government, business and union representatives.

Govern de les Illes Balears 24/03/2021

Bar terraces have reopened in Mallorca

Bar terraces have reopened in Mallorca

85% of terraces have reopened.

Pilar Pellicer 07/03/2021

Chairs being put away at a bar in Palma, Mallorca

Chairs being put away at a bar in Palma, Mallorca

Four o'clock became five o'clock (or quarter past five).

Miquel À. Cañellas 27/02/2021

A closed bar in Minorca

A closed bar in Minorca

Bars and restaurants have been closed since mid-January.

Gemma Andreu 19/02/2021

A closed bar in Minorca

Latest headlines

Fears that 40% of bars and restaurants will go to the wall

The employers association is stressing the importance of allowing bars and restaurants to be open inside as well as outside.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter19/02/2021 09:23