Etiqueta 'Catalan independence'
Former Catalan president, Carles Puigdemont


Spain issues European arrest warrant for former Catalan head Puigdemont

Germany previously refused to extradite former Catalan leader Carles Puigdemont.

Reuters14/10/2019 15:06

Protest at the Guardia Civil headquarters in Girona


Catalan separatists protest on anniversary of banned independence referendum

Tensions between separatists in the region and Madrid have run high in recent days after Spain's high court sent seven Catalan activists to jail.

Reuters01/10/2019 10:49



Defiant Catalan separatists call for independence

Huge rally in Barcelona today to call for a break from Spain and release of jailed leaders.

Reuters11/09/2019 15:39

Cristòfol Soler (third right) and Jaume Mateu to his right.


Palma rally in support of Catalan independence

A rally to express support for what goes further than just a demand for Catalonian independence; there is also the issue of Majorcan sovereignty.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter06/09/2017 00:00